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How to do manual meshing with MWS v5?

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:

Could anybody explain me the manual meshing with MWS V5? For the moment I don't find it very easy!

Is it possible to add meshes only around little details without prolonging them along X, Y or Z?

I tried to see the MSS (Multilevel Subgridding Scheme) but I didn't manage to see the meshing effect on my structure, like we can see in the paper of CST.


Hi greg12345,

since your companie would like to buy a 3D EM Solver I guess you have a legal evaluation copy? In this case you should contact the CST support. They certainly will help you.


If you have Advanced Topics.pdf file from CST's documentation you can find help in the Charter 4.
May be, you did not press Mesh /Update?


subgrids works ok for me in MWS. I have inserted a dielectric block (350x250 mm) in the corner of the PEC block (500x200mm) for 1Ghz. (See jpg). I think u can aggregate the effect by increasing the volume refinement in the local mesh settings. (Right click on geometry--> mesh property and then check volume refinement --> then change volume refinement according). However, I am not sure what the maximum depth in the global mesh refinement setting is used for. Maybe someone can shed some light on this. Thanks.


Hi Element7K

Thank for your pics. I will try it as soon as possible.

I'm interesting to simulate a big antenna structure.
The structure is composed by 4m dish antenna and feed (Horn) .The MMS utility seems to be a good thing for this kind of work.
The frequency is around 10GHz and it is for Ham radio application.
I would like to see the farfield and I would like to use plane wave port.
Does somebody try to simulate it?



I solved succesfully big parabolic Cassegrain antenna (around 30 λ diameter) in MWS even without subgrids (6millions of cells + PMC + PEC symmetry).

I still don't believe subgridding a lot, I remember in 5.0 the farfield was incorrect when used MSS. I didn't tried 5.1 for this purpose yet



Hi Eirp

I'm interesting by this simulation.
Can you send to me this simulation for help me?



I don't trust sub gridding at all. best to try and avoid using it if you can, symmetry and refinement at pec edges is the way to go.


Subgridding would have been nice if it was memory efficient. But The memory requirement is not reduced when mms is used. And it is difficult to find a stable mesh. For complex structures I would avoid using subgridding for the moment.

Hi Eirp

as far as I know is the farfield much better now with 5.1. Stability seems also better.

However, I would say that the sub gridding is only for very special applications in which you have very tiny details in a electrical large structure. In this case MSS helps a lot due to the local time step. I certainly do not use MSS it for all my structures.



I agree with RFsimulator considerations. Anyway, probably in the future, it will be possible to have more efficiency relating to MSS and memory resources.


hello all,

i used subgridding, and receive a warning the staircase mode is represented with PEC. it affect my conformal design results.

what's the best way to mesh a conformal structure

thanks a lot for the help.

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