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HFSS Meshing properties: Number of Nodes

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:

Scenario: I am acquainted with setup of number of passes and number of modes for the simulation on HFSS, apart from the other properties setup initially.

Should I define/change the number of nodes also in the HFSS analysis setup? My usage is for antenna designing.


Number of nodes or number of modes? In heading you have written "nodes" and in scenario u hv written "modes"..
By the way, where are you changing the number of nodes? (assuming you meant "nodes")..In HFSS 14, mesh operations tab allows you to restrict the number of elements but not nodes..So I might be missing out on something, if you can clarify.

Hi Catherine,

You are right. My reference here is to the number of elements.
Also, is it possible for older versions to have mesh elements to be changed.

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