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magnetic field strength simulation

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:

i'm working currently on project where i have to know the magnetic-field around different conductor shapes.
I think it would be good to simulate this with an EM-Simulator.
I have access to CST MWS and EMS and have some experience with simulating RF-behaviours in the time domain.

But i don't know how to start with my problem.
It' quite simple: i want to send a signal (pulse or continious) in a simple structure (round-, flat-, square-, T-shape- conductor ...)
and get the field-strength and geometry of the field.

Probably someone can help me a bit on CST or can suggest other programs ?


You may like to use the time domain LF solver - since u have a pulsed signal. You have to define your geometry & a current source. Use your signal waveform as the current source. There are examples in the ems tutorials that may show you how to do this. Also go to the CST website and look for further examples under events, user group meetings. Other software - perhaps ansoft Maxwell, Flux3d or Vectorfield opera..etc...

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