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broadband ridged horn design

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi friends,
I am searching for this paper for many months.
I am not getting. Does any one have this paper.
K. L. Walton and V. C. Sundberg, ?Broadband ridged horn design,? Microwave J., pp. 96-101, 1964

I have posted in this section because people doing EM simulation may be having this.
I hope moderators will consider.

Please post it here if any one has it.
Help will be appreciated a lot

Does this paper exists?
I have googled it many times but I am not getting a copy.
This paper is given as a reference in many papers on this topic.

Hi Abhishekabs

try this pat.

Hello Plasma,
This is patent document, I have all the patents & papers except the paper I posted here.
This paper is refered everywhere. I want to know what is so special in that paper!


the ridge become wider in the aperture not
like other double ridge horns keeping the ridge thin all the way
to aperture


Have you designed any quadridge or dual ridge horn before?
I have some doubts in the designing.
I will post the questions if you can help me out.

Hello,guy,almost three years later, have you already found the paper?

No. I still did not get this paper.
If you have access to library which has kept old journel then you may find it.
Please scan & upload if you find it.

Sorry, I am looking for it too, but I have not found it so far. I searched many electronic resources, but no one had it. Maybe I will try to write to some writers to call for it. I will inform you once I find it.


I am working on design double ridge horn antenna with two feed points, where The inner conductor of the first coaxial probe pass through the first
ridge and is then connected to the opposite ridge. The shield of the coaxial probe is connected to the lower ridge. and the same thing for the second prob as shown in the attachment. maybe someone ask why I put in the design two feed points? in order to to apply balanced feed on the antenna ( Gaussian pulses ( positive pulse and negative pulse, where both pulses are in the same phase).
but the problem in the design is the isolation between the feed ports, for example I still have 5 dB isolation between the feed ports.

if there is any one has idea how to improve the isolation between the ports

Have you tried changing coupling between probes?

I changed the positions of probs on the waveguide to improve the isolation between probs but I still have isolation around 5 dB

If you send me .HFSS file of your model, I may be able to tell you few improvements
If you can not send then you can try following things.

1) Check Geometry first, confirm weather you have implemented model properly.
2) Make the the two probes curved inside for good response.
3) Thickness/Diameter of the probe also has impact on the performance.
4) Distance from the back plate ( reflecting plate)

Have you checked on web all the references available?

You may get some guidance on how to make ridged horn antenna.

Hello Abhishekabs,

I tried to improve the isolations between ports based on the points that you told me, but I still have the problems (bad isolation between ports), therefore I send you the model of the antenna, maybe you can help me?.

Thank you very much for your helping.

Hi Ahmed,
Sorry for late reply. I was very busy & not having access to HFSS for long time.
I checked your structure. Its is wrong.
You need quadridged structure & quad riged waveguide for the result you want.
They way you have coupled is not correct. You need to 1 probe coming out of 1 pair of ridge.
So their should be 2 pairs of ridges. you used same for 2 probes. that is why isolation is poor.

Check IEEE papers for design help.

Hello Abhishekabs,

Thank you very much for your answer.

I fabricated a new double ridge horn antenna. As I mentioned that I have two signals which have same rise time and same fall time. The amplitude of these signals are same with different sign, for example first signal has amplitude of 30 V and the second has -30 V. There is no delay time between these signals which mean that these signals will applied at the same time (see attached file (figure.1)).

I applied these signals on the fabricated antenna in different ways:

1- I applied only one signal on the transmitter antenna as shown in the figure 2. And I received on the receiver antenna this signal (figure 3). In this case the inner conductor of the coaxial probe pass through the upper ridge and is then connected to the lower ridge. The shield of the coaxial probe is connected to the upper ridge.

2- I applied two signals on the transmitter antenna as shown in the figure 4 (both signals have been applied at same time, there is no delay between the signals). And I received on the receiver antenna this signal (figure 5). In this case the inner conductor of the first coaxial connected to the upper ridge and the shield of the first coaxial probe is connected to the same ridge, the inner conductor of the second coaxial connected to the lower ridge and the shield of the second coaxial probe is connected to the same ridge.

3- I applied two signals on the transmitter antenna as shown in the figure 6 (both signals have been applied at same time, there is no delay between the signals). And I received on the receiver antenna this signal (figure 7). The inner conductor of the first coaxial probe pass through the upper ridge and is then connected to the lower ridge. The shield of the first coaxial probe is connected to the upper ridge. The inner conductor of the second coaxial probe pass through the lower ridge and is then connected to the upper ridge. The shield of the second coaxial probe is connected to the lower ridge.

• I think case number (1) is normal for the operation of double ridge horn antenna with one feed point.
• Case number (2), there is no signals to be transmitted because the inner conductors of the coaxial probes are shorted (the inner conductors of coaxial
probes are connected to the shield of coaxial probes (ground)).
• Case number (3), the amplitude of received signal is approximately equal to be two times of the amplitude of received signal in case (1) (see figure 8).

My questions:

1- Could you please explain me why the amplitude of received signal in case (3) has been increased comparison to the amplitude of received signal in case (1)?.
2- What about the isolation between coaxial probes in case (3)?, do you think there is transition between the probes in this case (3)?.

Actually I achieved what I want which is increase the received power (case 3), but I could not understand how this happen?.

Figures (A, B, C) show the configuration of the double ridge horn antenna

Thank you very much for your time
Best regards

I am not expert in this. But I will try to check. I think I saw one paper on similar topic in IEEE.
In case 3 it looks even strange for me, but I never did this experiment so difficult to predict.

Have you tried changing distance between Tx & Rx?
What did you see? same response?

yes , I changed the distance between Tx & Rx, the response is same mean the received signal using two feeds (case 3) is two time the received signal for one feed (case 1) at the same distance.

Hi Abhishek.

i cant believe that you are still stuck with that ridge horn antenna.Hopefully everything works out for you soon.long time no see welcome back :)


Hi! I also need to design a double-ridged horn. I tried to find some guidance but found nothing helpful. Maybe you could give me some references to look for?

Thanks in advance!

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