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multilayer in MoM...

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:

I know that HFSS is best suited for this application, but I prefer MoMentum for its simplicté and its speed in calcul...

i want design this with MoM


how do this?(can i do this with MoM) / (I'm not really a beginner in MoM , I know how to draw with MoM)

for multi-layer , i go to (MoMentum---subsrate---create/modify---subsrate add...)

and i want to visualize my design that appears in the image

thank u

ok this is simple ...(with MoM)

I want to have the band gap and the phase of reflection coefficient with MoM , how do i this ?
normalement its possible...

please ,I have not seen this problem!

the metal plates that are located in the middle ,if I want to do metalic VIA (conductive ,full and not empty in the middle )


MoM does not give me the choice ,

because :

i use (cond) for via

and i use (cond2) for middle patch (first substrate)

and for patch top i have not choice!

NB:(I begin to define the layers from bottom to top)

look image



how can i do this ?

thank u very much

Each drawing layer can only be mapped once.
You can use one of the other drawing layers, or define your own cond3, cond4, ...

thank u very much volker...
can you say me how to define other conductors (cond3 , cond4,...)

I am travelling and don't have ADS on this computer here, but from what I remember, it's quite simple, from the layout windows's layer settings.

Here it is:

yes its simple !
thank u very much volker for ur help ...
in (substrate ---create/modify---layout layer)

in layout layer name
we can choose for example name (diel)
and define (diel) as strip metalic ?
if yes we can , so , it is sufficient , not need to cond3, cond4...

Yes, if that layer name is not used already.


ok..................thank u volker

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