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Problems with ADS momentum simulation for sinuous antenna

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi there I am a physics grad student and new to this whole Antenna thing. However my professor asked me to run an ADS simulation with a sinuous antenna. I got as far as getting the sinuous antenna into ADS (just the shape) and then I just pressed simulate and was hoping for the best...but (of course the program complaint) it said that there are some ports missing. So i naively just clicked on the port icon in ADS and added it in the middle of the antenna.... Didn't work (invalid position). So I am really lost and I dont even know where to start or what is missing... could you give me some hint? i read something about balun in other papers related to the topic. Do i need this for my simulation?

I am not sure weather you can use ADS for Sinuous antenna simulation. I really doubt. We have tried in HFSS

Try using different port schemes available in ADS. check some sinuous antenna material on web & try the same.

I think so far my problem is more basic than you might think Because the sinuous antenna didn't work i just imported a gdsii file containing a box shape. There is nowhere to connect the pins to. If i just take a box shaped microstrip line form the icons on the left in ADS momentum I can connect the ports and run a simulation with the same square shape. So I was wondering if the shape I imported was a microstrip..Or do i have to edit something first. Thanx

ADS is 2.5D structure simulator. so you can draw 2D structure like patch or PCB monopole, dipole etc.
But importing sinuous structure in ADS! I really doubt it will work. I am really wondering what did you see.
If I am not wrong, there is no equation based curve in ADS, so you can not use Duhammel's equation to draw curve.

I will try myself, If I can do that & If I succeed then I will let you know.

- - - Updated - - -

Not possible. atleast on my PC.

I got this in my ADS

But I am not sure how to connect the pins to that.

When I import the file it says that there is no layer map found so it just will use some GDSII default thing


Admittedly, I have no experience with sinuous antennas, but it seems to me that you would want to probe-feed it from the center-bottom. I'm assuming that there is no ground plane on this antenna and that you've removed the default infinite ground in ADS, you should still be able to use a single-mode port. To Probe feed, the best way is probably to map a "via" layer through the substrate, draw a circle the same size of a pin you would use to feed the antenna on the bottom layer. Then attach the port to this.

Good Luck

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