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Flyback converter simulation in Simplorer 9.0

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hello everyone!

I have recently designed PExprt model od flyback transformer, and now I have to simulate flyback converter using Simplorer. I've inserted PExprt model in Simplorer (transformer) and now I have to link it in flyback converter. Everything is OK with PExprt model, problem is in Simplorer.

The problem is with transformer. When I connect the whole circuit of flyback converter, I get some strange voltage signal (high spikes) on my Mosfet. I get the same thing using Simplorer's 2 winding transformer.

Does anyone know how to simulate flyback converter in Simplorer?

I'm begging for your help, I'm trying to do it myself for 3 days, but I'm pretty inexperienced in using Simplorer,

Description or scheme will be great :)

Thank you!


give more details of circuit.
I have done a complete Flyback converter design and simulation in Simplorer.

Hope i can help you.


The problem was with Hmin and Hmax, but I figured it out :)

Maybe I could check your Simplorer design just to make sure


Hello brother,

That's really great you have solved the issue yourself.
I have successfuly completed a PFC & DCDC converter on simplorer.
currently working on a 500W Flyback with current control mode.
Iam quite OK to handle simplorer (forget to say, using simplorer Version7)
But facing difficulty to implement current control.
Could you give me some help on current control methods?

Thank you.

Well, I have to admit this is the first thing ever I'm trying to construct. I have no experience at all :(
We're learning only theory on my faculty, we had absolutely no practice until now (I'm doing this as a diploma thesis)
So unfortunately I can't help you since I know nothing about CCM.

On other hand, I have a friend who implemented Voltage control mode in simplorer on buck, boost and buck-boost.

I can send it to you if you wish


I am grateful to you if you could share the buck-boost (which have similarity with flyback) simplorer model with me.
I hope that will be useful for me to solve problems in my model.
Please can you ask to your friend about familiarity with current mode control ?

Let me know if you wish any help on any area where I can help you in Power Electronics.



Here are the simuluations for all 3 non-isolated topologies :)

I asked my friend and he said he knows nothing about CCM, he's got some experience only with Voltage control :/

Could you send me your flyback model, just to check it out? :)

btw. I'm using Simplorer 9, but that won't be a problem

Hello Loxy,

Thank you very much for your good mind to share knowledge.
I am very happy to look into your work.
Well I feel quiet good effort you have made to make the voltage loop stable.
Today morning I did not get much time now to check and study your model, how ever today night my main task will be to understand this
Thank you once again.

As your wish I will attach and send you my Flyback model as soon as possible.
When I open the model in my "Simpolrer Ver8" some warning (model created in Version 9) shown but model was successfully completed simulation.
Could you share the calculation what ever you have used to calculate the op-amp resistor-capacitor network?
Because it will be eazy for me to understand the circuit design, I will share my circuit calculation also for your reference

bye now,

Well, as I can remember my friend used regulator with two zeroes and three poles. The goal was to achieve lead-lag compensator. Here's little something.


This is a great literature, control theory in practice. Start from page 55. The compensator he used is described on page 69 (2.69)

hope it helps :)

Please send me your flyback model as soon as you can ... (and forward if you have) :)

DCDC_Flyback_closed_v2.0.rarhello friend;

Thank you verymuch for the document sharing.
I am reading now.

As you wish, I attached the model which I designed.
Let me know if you required any help to use the model i attached.
One request, could you please share the Simplorer version you are using ?
I am thankful if you could upload the simplorer software.

thank you


Simplorer 9 seems to big to share it here, but I found something :)

Check your PM ;)

Here's my flyback model:

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