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Usage of some converter topologies and some specifications for them

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:

Hope my thread is in right place, I'm new here :)

First at all: I've school project and I must make transformers for 6 converter topologies (Forward, Flyback, CM Choke, Current, Full-Bridge and Push-Pull) in Magnetic Builder ( www.poweresim.com -> magnetic builder). But I need to know where in practice are used these topologies. That's pretty easy, but I've difficulties with founding some Input and Output data; what should I obtain (number of windings, turns etc).

Can someone show me some In/Out data and for what is used these transformers?

PS I saw only on 2 sites some topologies and input/output date for wireless chargers, but on first scheme they used full bridge and on the second buck choke. Which one is right, because if it's full bridge I can use it for example in my project?

PS2 I already searched a lot of information, but i couldn't find something appropriate (or don't know what to search )

Sorry for bad English, I don't know it very well :)

Thanks in advance :)

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