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XY, YZ & XZ planes in terms of theta & phi

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
I am designing a PIFA in IE3D. I need to know the radiation pattern in XZ and YZ Plane. How to find them in IE3d and for wahat values of theta and phi.

Phi angle, is angle in the XY plane, phi=0 is the positive x-axis itself. thata angle is angle between Z-axis and the "measuring" point.

Elevation angle = 90-theta

If you want to plot the radiation pattern in the XZ plane, you need to select 2D pattern and select elevation. This means IE3D will calculate the radiation pattern under varying elevation. To define the azimuth to get the XZ plane, you select Phi=0. To get the YZ plane, you select elevation pattern and make phi=90.

To get a pattern in the XY plane, you need to select 2D pattern, select azimuth and check the elevation angle (that should be zero for XY plane, so theta=90). Note that azimuth patterns under low elevation depends strongly on conductivity of the IE3D ground plane.

If your actual antenna has finite ground plane and you use IE3D with infinite ground plane, plotting an azimuth pattern under zero elevation will not give you useful information.

what about in HFSS

When HFSS uses phi-theta notation for radiation patterns, it is very likely the same.

If you have doubts, just simulate an antenna with known radiation pattern (for example half wave dipole) and let the simulator plot the radiation pattern for various antenna orientation. This will help you to understand the notation used by HFSS.

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