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[hfss] getting s21 of 1 sending and 1 receiving antenna

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
I'm trying to get the S21 variable of 1 sending and 1 receiving loop antennas using hfss. I used 'Driven Terminal' as solution type and 'lumped port' for port. I want to give a signal into sending antenna and find the signal of receving from receiving port. As i mentioned i defined lumped port for sending and receiving port. bcs i don't know how and what to define the port for receiving port.

i simulated my design and i found 'Number of terminals does not match the number of modes requested. Verify the port'.

do you have any idea how to define the port for sending and receiving antennas?
can you find the problem of my design?

I found the journal. In the journal(pg 200), the author calculated efficiency of inductive link using HFSS.
I'll attach my design of hfss and the journal.



I haven't looked at your project yet, but the error message simply means that some of the ports have more than one terminals attached to them. You need to make sure that each port has only one terminal (conductor) edge connection.


Can you pls notify me how did u assign Tx and Rx antenna? How antenna works as Rx? My email: kamal14_kuet@yahoo.com

上一篇:pec reflection

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