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ferrit example hfss

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi All,

Has anyone sucessfully simulated ferrite circulator with hfss. It could either be waveguide or coaxial. I'm not sure about specifying the magnetic bias. Thank you in advance.

I is better to simulate ferrite devices with CST MWS.
working with HFSS in ferrite devices needs much memory and takes many many time.

One of the example HFSS projects Ansoft provides for users is a circulator. You can look at their site "w*w.ansoft.com" to see if you can find it or contact one of their application engineers for a copy.

I looked to see if I had a copy on this computer, but apparently not.

Yes.. I have designed waveguide circulators and isolators using HFSS V9.2.1.
(Faraday rotation type and Y type)
I have also double-checked the results in CST and all agree.

HFSS (at least V9.2.1) appears to have a bug with setting the magnetic field:
Whetever you set the Magnetic bias to, it always uses the value given for the saturated magnetic field in the ferrite material properties.
This is not really a problem.. you just have to tweak the ferrite saturation property to simulate different magnetic fields. I don't know if this is fixed in later versions. I did play with a V11 demo and this appeared to do the same (unless
I am doing something fundamentally wrong with the magnetic field!)

hi.... i urgently need some help for simulating microwave ferrite circulator Y type with HFSS.
can someone post a sample? i can't find it!
thanks a lot

Two ways to set magnetic bias. The normal way we do is using "uniform" applied bias, let the internal bias 0 ( just saturate the ferrite), then tune the circulator.

Alternatively, you can choose non-uniform bias, then you have to generate a "real" magnet enviroment in Maxwell first, then import the bias to your ferrite in hfss. I am still trying to figure out this way, which is more realistic.

Waveguide circulator is easier than coxial one. The transformer part is very importment, otherwise you can not get good bandwidth.

Hope it helps.

I have the same problem in HFSS, when you define a ferrite, it asks the saturation magnetic field.
If you make magnetic bias with internal magnetic filed of 0 A/m, HFSS will use the saturation magnetic field you have already defined (I mean the ferrite is biased even if you put 0 A/m for the internal magnetic field in definition of magnetic bias excitation).
I guess that HFSS uses "saturation magnetic field + interanl bias" because by changing both of the parameters the simulation results will change.

Does anybody has any idea about the ferrite defining and so on?


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