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Problems: ferrite with hfss

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
hi, i'm new in hfss and i have to simulate a ring resonator on a ferrite so i have found the mag S12 > 0 and the port feild display are not directed in the right sense so whats wrong and what's tricks working with ferrrite, i m wastedthank you for kindly helping me

Hi mariamel,
post your hfss design here and i will take a look and try to help .
did u define the ferrite material by yourself?when u define the material u should pay attention to the units u use(Gauss,Oe,A/m).
guy .

Hi Guy,
i'm very grateful that you want helping me, so here it is my hfss design : it is a ring with a microstrip line on ferrite substrate; i wait your answer impatiently.

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