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HFSS problems with port definitions

时间:03-29 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hey guys,

I just started working with hfss. I have to simulate a rectangular waveguide with a sample in it.
I have two questions on it:

1. I defined 2 waveports, but when I define a Radiation boundary box, my ports turn in to internal ports and I have to assign lumped ports to simulate

2. I would like to see the field on the port but I always get an error like: error can't read port field solution.

I treat on some tutorials and they didn't have such Problems like I have now. I hope someone can help me with my Problems

best regards


You can use waveports if you assign your radiation box such that two of its sides make contact with the ends of the waveguide. This way, the waveports will be both in contact with the waveguide and the bounding radiation box.

Not sure what that's about, try the above first and it might resolve this.

Thank you very much,

my first Problem is gone now :)

but my second error is still appearing :(

Can you view any fields solutions anywhere in your simulation domain?

Yes i can plot E-field and H-field Solutions, but still not port Solutions...

Something doesn't seem right there. Are you trying to plot fields on the port, or are you looking at the "Port Field Display"?

I am looking for the port field Display and it does not work :(
everything else is working beside of this...

Can you just select the port surface and plot the fields there? I can't think of why this would give an error....

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