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How to Convert Gerber *.gbr files to Autocad *.DXF

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
I have been chasing my tail a bit trying to convert a Gerber file, *.grb to a *.dxf. There are plenty of free viewers and converters that go the other way. I am looking for a freeware solution that does not preclude commercial use.

An old thread here was helpful. Skywalker started the discussion: h**p://www.edaboard.com/thread890.html There are a number of other related threads as well.

Sourceforge provided a link to Gerbv 2.6.0 ( h**p://gerbv.gpleda.org ) and ( h**p://gerbv.sourceforge.net/ )

Gerbv provides a somewhat painful way to extract the parameters of a layout using the measure tool.

Has anyone found a more convenient solution? Ideally, I would like to do an import and direct conversion followed by an export in *.dxf, without needing to manually redraw the traces.



Which software are you using to generate your Gerber files ?

I am working with *.grb files created by a third party using FreePCB. I am interested in a generic solution that is not tied to a particular software tool. For the moment I am doing the translation manually.

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