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Field monitors on plane wave HFSS

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
I implemented on HFSS the structure below and I want to monitor fields between patch and ground in various frequencies, in a range over a band gap zone. I managed to produce the bandgap zone by using HFSS's eigenmode solver. To monitor fields do I have to change the solution type? If yes, what type of port must I use? Plane wave or floquet port? Moreover, what about the boundaries and the airbox that I should use (etc height)?
Thank you.

If your purpose is to show the fields in your structure,I know how it is done.
in my design, i used wave port,solution type:driven modal,i had a radiation boundary.
After selecting the desired part of design, you should this steps:
right click-plot fields-select E or H or...
and then HFSS-fields-animate to see the wave motion.
I hope, helped you.
Good Luck

First of all thank you for your answer.
Where exactly did you assign the excitation? On the top of the radiation boundary's box? How big that box was? Why did you use waveport instead of plane wave?θ
Do you have any project-example to follow?
Thank you again.

This is my project:

I used PML boundaries and a waveport for excitation. I don't know if it correct. I want to monitor far field for frequencies over a bandgap which produced by the same
structure on eigenmode.

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