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How To Plot E-Field and H-Field Correctly in HFSS?

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi Guys,

I need some help in plotting the E-field and H-field in HFSS.

How do we exactly plot E-field and H-field in HFSS? The problem is that i have read many number of threads and even searched in google but there's no clear instruction on how to plot this.

As far as i understand, here how it goes as per my understanding. Both E-field and H-field are orthogonal. Since i'm designing a microstrip planar antenna thus my e-field is directing towards the Z-axis. So, to plot E-field. I set phi =0 and theta = all angles. This way i can see x-z plane for E-field.

For H-field. I set theta =0 and phi = all angles. This way i can see the x-y plane for H-field. I am unsure of both of these are 100% correct. And then i read something about rE and rEphi functions that help to plot E-field and H-field.

Another part of my confusion is that the relation of gain to my E-field and H-field. I don't really understand how gain are related to these 2 fields. This is because, when i plot out my radiation pattern gain, i set phi = 45 degrees and then investigate for theta =0,45,90 degrees. Seems like my when my theta is 0, my gain drops dramatically meaning that it's not omnidirectional.

Thus, what confuses me is what is the relation between E-field/H-field to Gain radiation pattern.

H-FIELD: set theta=90 and phi=all

for the GAIN , your antenna is omnidirectional? maybe you can show your GAIN plot picture for more help.

its old thread but if possible can you help me in understanding it dewy?that is if in hfss i want to see E PLANE A and H plane then i normally put value of phi =0,90 and theta for all values and assume for phi=0 curve i got e plane and vice versa.am i right?

Hi aniakhan,

Here is a reply from a separate post to answer your question:

Theta as primary sweep and all values, phi=0/90.

Post link --> https://www.edaboard.com/thread212989.html#post1064134

You must realize that the e-field and h-field radiation pattern are not assumed.
Different antenna have different plane depending on their current distribution. Before you plot out
your e-plane and h-plane, use HFSS and plot out the current distribution and you will see you electric current distribution which is the e-field. Then from there you can tell what is your e-plane and due to the relation of orthogonal, the h plane will lies 90 degrees from your e plane but you must be sure where your h plane lies after drawing the e plane.

thanks frodonet,i need your one more favour,i am designing a crossed bow tie antenna having circular polarization,so from your answer what i conclude is that i should plot e field along its arms to find direction of electric field and after finding plane in which e field lies it will be mine E plane?i am attaching figure of my antenna and e field plot and i consider it lies in yz plane can you plz make a check and if i am wrong make me coorect

hi frodonet,

actualy i amgetting confused what steps should be used to see E-plane & H plane polarization. bcz in circular it gives direct LHCP & RHCP. but foe linear which parameter should select?

You might find the "Blue Book" that MI Technologies published on "all things antenna measurements" useful. The subject of how to plot particular field quantities is just too convoluted to even try to give you guidance in a few sentences. They will send you a eBOOK version if you ask nicely. You might also like their antenna calculater slide rule. The book is probably floating around the web for download too.

I would recommend that you give Ansys a call and discuss your particular question with one of the AE's to see if you can get it unscrambled.




To see linear polarization E plane result > Far field report > radiation pattern

set theta = all , phi = 0
gain, in category select gain phi n theta both.

same step to H plane only set phi = 90.

When we set phi=0 and theta=90 what should be the primary sweep ?

can u explain what u want to ask?

I want to plot E and H field of my antenna In HFSS, when plotting 3d polar polt it is located in XZ plane,not in XY plane.....So how to plot them correctly ? Would like to know what should be the theta and phi values and primary sweep ?

if u want to plot E and H plane then after opening radiation plot option select value of phi =0 and 90 in families option of the same window degree it will give you E and H plane that is xy and xz plane.

I am Using HFSS 9.2
This is my 3D radiation pattern

Hence I expect figure of 8 in XZ plane and circle in XY plane

for x plane i followed the steps as shown in below pictures.

But not getting proper result...

For XZ plane

Changed angle as theta,
Under Sweeps tab selected Phi=0,

If this is wrong ..plz suggest corrections

For circularly-polarized antennas, there is no such things as E-plane and H-plane, since the E-field is rotating!

i have attached picture of my 3d radiation pattern,i want to know that is it a omnidirectional pattern?

and if it is omnidirectional pattern,then i want to know that how can i plot xz plane in 2d plot?

i also want to know that can i get a circular 2d plot from this 3d plot? if yes then please tell me how can i plot this?

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