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how to design Quadrature Hybrid Coupler in HFSS?

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
i have some knoladge on microwave engineering and in HFSS and i need to design this coupler to work on 1.67GHz
i know i need this geometry but i'm not so sure how to decide the width and length of each and every element in this coupler


The width of each strip is governed by its characteristic impedance, whereas the length is dictated by the required phase shift. As such, There are only 2 unique elements.

Good Luck

if i need to get a coupler with outpot 2 and 3 that are in the same magnitude but with a different phase 90 deg
how can i design such a coupler?
also how to calculate the width and length?
it seem to be like this problem is much more complex

The image you posted has all the information you need. All you need to do is design the specific lines with your particular physical substrate setup. In case it isn't immediately obvious, this is a microstripline coupler.

Hi Stingerx,

What are the substrate details ? Based on er and height of the substrate, you can use online microwave calculators to determine the length and width.


the substrate called roger duroid 5880 with a thickness of 1.575mm ant tangent loss of 0.0009 with er=2.2
where can i find such calculator, also i would like to know the formulas
also i can't just draw a microstrip that looks like the one in the image, i need more precise messurements

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