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How to measure SNR in XFDTD REMCOM?

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:

I wanted to measure SNR in Remcom XFDTD for an RF Coil. But, I don't know how to do it. I am using a xfdtd version Any kind of help is appreciated.


As I understand it XFDTD is used for maximum SAR, electric field magnitudes, magnetic flux densities, conduction current magnitudes, or surface currents.

For SNR you must estimate noise from all sources to compute minimum and thus SNR.

Can you please elaborate it ?

How to estimate noise from all sources ?

Would you know how to do it by real life hardware measurement? In other words: is your problem the software setup, or the somewhat fuzzy measurement task?

I am sorry, I did not get what you meant by that. So, I guess I dont know how to do that. I want to measure SNR from the data generated by Remcom. If you know any method to do that. Please guide me .


I have no idea why you need SNR, but you could simuate Electric and magnetic field noise by limits imposed by FCC class B conducted for AC line or radiated emissions. Similar to CISPR levels to qualify equipment to CE standards.

I have no idea how you would define SNR for this case. What signal, what noise?

I am still out of solution. Can anybody help?

As far as I came to know, SNR can be measured by dividing the rotating B-Field (representing signal) by the system’s dissipated power (representing noise). but I am not being able to figure out how to get a value for measuring B-Field.

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