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Parallel plate waveguide in HFSS

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:

I have doubts in simulating parallel plate waveguide in HFSS.

1. Two sidewalls of the parallel plates are assigned PEC boundaries. Do I have to assign PMC boundaries to remaining two faces (which are not actually sidewalls, as parallel plates have only two side walls, which are already assigned as PEC)?

2. Should it be a "Driven Modal" or "Driven Terminal" (in context of HFSS)?

3. Which Excitation: Waveport or lumped port or voltage port?

However at later stage, my aim is to simulate three parallel plates, where wave is applied to middle plate and the outside two plates are grounded.

Please guide me in this regard.

Welcome sanketpatel2020,

Yes, you want PMCs. PECs would make a solid metal waveguide which does not support a TEM mode.

These are the same for a single mode system. Driven modal excites various modes, whereas driven terminal excites various conductors. If you're new to HFSS, I would start with driven modal.

Again, all of these will work. However, waveport is the easiest to use, so I would start there.

Then you have a multimode system. The choice is your to make -- whatever is most convenient for you. If you are planning on applying an MTL analysis, then driven terminal may be the best approach. If you're just looking for quick scattering parameters of the two regions, I'd stick with driven modal and make sure that there are two waveports -- one for each region.

Good Luck!

Thank you PlanarMetamaterials!

I could resolve the problems I was facing and could model the waveguide agreeing with your suggestions!

Thanks once again!

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