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are there any ways to calculate the array pattern in HFSS

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi, all. I have a question about HFSS.

For example, right now I have simulated a antenna element and get its radiation patterns. Are there any ways for me to calculate a antenna array based on this element by just using the simple vector summation in HFSS, if no mutual coupling is considering at this stage?


I would do it in Matlab.

Import the beam pattern of the individual element as simulated by HFSS and apply the basic phased-array equations (see chapter 9 of "Introduction to Radar Sytems" by Skolnik)

I did this for a patch antenna I was trying to phase and as long as you assume no coupling, this gave pretty good results.

If the element is simple enough and you have enough memory, why not manually tile it out? Another option is to use the master-slave boundaries to simulate a "semi-infinite" array. This is explained in the manual somewhere... I could track it down if you like.

By far the fastest solution is Matlab, though. If you ask, I can track down the code for you for that as well.

Thanks very much, AndyECE. If possible, would you share the code for your MATLAB program for me?

I have attached a ZIP file which contains the following:

phasedArray.m - script for estimating phased array
locations.mat - 3D locations of each element
singleElementGain - beam pattern of one element
mmpolar - a great file for plotting radiation patterns correctly

I threw in some old data so that you can see how I formatted everything. The script should be fully operational right now. I always find it easier to edit code that works when I start, rather than a chunk of code that doesn't actually do anything.

Let me know how it goes!

Can you send me the mentioned codes. I couldn't find them...

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