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uhf probe

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
question on the example:Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) Probe;(from HFSS example pp5.1-1 Ansoft High Frequency Structure Simulator v10 User?s Guide)
one is the simulation time is very long,much long than the microstip filter;
and the other is information:

[warning] Warning - Boundary 'Rad1', Boundary 'gnd_plane' : Boundaries overlap.

[warning] Warning - Boundary 'Rad1', Boundary 'p1' : Boundaries overlap.

[warning] Warning - Boundary 'gnd_plane', Boundary 'p1' : Boundaries overlap.
is there anything wrong?
If some one familiar this example, please give me suggest.

Yes, the boundaries should not overlap. However, in some cases you don't have a choice. In this case you should check the order of preference to make sure that the boundary you want is the chosen one.

I'm interested in this example because I'm designing a probe as well.

My probe is a receive-antenna (dipole).

I would like to know how can I plot the voltage (or E-field) capture by the probe.


you may create a report.Before,you should prepare a field or radiation solution.After simulation,you may create a report,and see the report or export.

Yes, I did use Report.

But because I have 2 lumped-ports (one for the transmit, one for the receive), I don't know how to plot the voltage that appears at the receive port.

I'm ok with plotting S-parameter but not voltage.

I tried to plot E_field or E_mag, but these plots are not what I want. I WANT THE VOLTAGE AT THE RECEIVE-LUMPED-PORT.

If you try E_mag or E_field, you'll see you cannot plot or make a data-table of the voltage at the lumped-port (the gap at the center of the dipole).

Thank you very much.


i did the example and had this problem also!
i think the example have something wrong when set the boundary of the Air!
1: at the page 173 ,you set the AIR as the Radiation Boundary (it contained the face at z=0)-------so i think the radiation boundary should not contain this face!
2: at the page 175 you set "the face of the Air object at Z=0" as Infinite Ground Plane again .

so it have the warning notice!

so i think the radiation boundary should not contain the face of z=0! -----after you
set like what i said the warning will disappear.

and about the simulation time is very long,i think it is acceptable at this example!

I am new to HFSS, however I will be spending time with her and plan on being a part of the question/answering sessions.

I do have a questions on matlab/simulink.

Suppose I set up a QPSK block accept binary input. That means the input from a bit generator must be frame type of at least 2 samples per frame. In my current design the tx output is frame type. Is there a way to change frame based to sample-based after the QPSK block and before tx out. I need sample based mode because my costas loop carrier recovery only accepts sample-based inputs.
To over come this I took the binary generator source and drove a matlab function I designed to convert every two bits to an integer output (0,1,2,3) and used QPSK to accept an integer input. The result is a sample-based output and with this success with the carrier recovery. However, I'd rather use the above. Thanks

ı am also new about hfss.I did tutorial as it say step by step but ı dont have any exact resoult .1-2 / 10 example give me resoult but they no means .I am not sure tutorials true or not

i had te same problem
but when i used the hfss v11 ,i didnt get these warnung
so please use hfss v10 with bokk hfss10
and hfss11 with book hfss11

for more help tell me

Hello Everyone

This is the Example Corrected:


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