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HFSS v16 Error reading the vmesh Setup1

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hello everyone,

I have encountered a funny error in Electronics Desktop (HFSS16). While the simulation works fine the first time, the second time I try to run it without deleting the results I get an "Error reading the vmesh Setup1".

Moreover, when I try to plot the mesh or the the e/m fields, I get an error saying cannot open the /path to mesh/current.pnt or initial.pnt.

I went to the path and the only files there are the *.ngmeshx and *.statsx.

I am overlooking an option for writing the mesh files? Shouldn't the mesh files be exported automatically? The weird part is that the simulation runs fine the first time, and produces the expected results!

Thanks in advance!

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