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时间:03-29 整理:3721RD 点击:
hello i'm design to the spiral antenna for WPT coil to find resonance frequency
i used copper-insulator-copper double layer and validate result OK.
BUT analyze result is so weird and i couldn't find resonance frequency
could you help me? i don't know which part problem
I attached detail coil spec and S11 graph


I see diagrams of 2 different antenna. One which is cylindrical and the other a spiral.
Are both of these somehow the same ?

There is no resonance at 13MHz in such a WPT coil, it is purely inductive. For excitation, use a lumped port. Make sure your underpass doesn't create a short with the spiral on that layer.

tks for reply.
it is same double layer spiral copper coil and Shielded by an insulator.
i think analysis problem has port problem maybe , could you explain more detail?
is this radiation area fine? it is hard to find problem T.T

Not clear what you want to achieve. What's the purpose of the double layer?

Ground directly below the coil will create a short.

tks for reply.
i revised port wave port to lumped port, but result is same...
Could you explain some detail to create underpass doesn't create a short?
- Sincerely -

my purpose of the design is to make Magnetic resonance.

and cause of ground directly below the coil is to avoid validate error.

when i seperate coil and ground, validate check always error could you explain more detail?


Understand the physics of your design, understand current flow in conductors and port.

dear all,

hello, i'm designing the copper spiral coil and find resonance frequency by using HFSS
i located ground and port, and radiation
but analysis doesn't work well and graph is so weird.
could you help me what's problem?
i attached .hfss for reference

-best regard-

thank for reply. i change the one layer copper coil and use lumped port. also i change to undercut and connect two port . one port is connected to the ground and the other connected to the copper to avoid short.
but simulation occurs "port refinement, process hf3d error: port 2 does not have a solved inside material on either side." errors.
could give me some advice?
i attached .hfss file for the reference to the my thread.
thank you

-best regard-

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