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Help needed in HFSS assigning Wave Port inside the radiation box

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
I have confused to assign wave port in side the radiation box. I have read hfss manual as sown in attached picture. but i haven't understood this concept. In the below mentioned link discussion also am getting same doubt to assign wave port inside the radiation box.


help me by solving this attached antenna design.

project 1122.rar

Is that actually from an official HFSS manual? I've never heard of an "inner void", and the english grammar of that document seems fairly poor.

The usual way to assign waveports internally, is as the document does suggest, to place a volumetric PEC object on one side (the non-exciting side) of the waveport.

Yes its from an official HFSS manual user’s guide – High Frequency Structure Simulator v 10 page number 1.2-11 or 73 page in that file . If you understood my problem can you try to solve my problem.

Version 10? That's severely outdated (unless you're actually using version 10, I guess). The most recent release is version 17. Did the PEC solution work for you?

am trying with placing the PEC object at various positions but not starting the solution.

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