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Assigning PML boundary in HFSS Version 13

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
can anyone please let me know that how i could assign a PML boundary around my geometry in HFSS Version 13...i want to know complete procedure.

Best Regards,

Select the surface you want to assign the boundary and then right click it and go to assign boundary option and select the boundary of your choice.
I do not think that it was question but your comment will give me better understanding about your problem lol

thanks nomigaraya
i,m doing the same but it interrupts error

Ok then share the error which you are getting may be that can help to find the solution

i had already did it dear

well i have one more question.
should we assign Excitations like waveport on PML boundary...means when we apply PML its creates boxes surrounding our model on these faces exicitations are works or not?
waiting for your kind response.

As per my knowledge you can not assign boundary and excitation on the same surface of geometry as it will result in error. By the way why you need to define the boundary and excitation at the same place?

i have to assign boundary and excitations at the same place because if i applies excitations somewhere n the geometry it dosen't works.

I doubt that you can assign the boundary and excitation at same place since I never needed this so I have at least no Idea how to do it Best of Luck

thanks nomigoraya...
if you ever work on Split Ring Resonator And if possible for you to share that simulation file with me...

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