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Assigning Excitations in HFSS

时间:03-29 整理:3721RD 点击:
how can i assign a periodic boundary condition along X- and Y- direction and let incident wave propagates along Z- direction...so can anyone inform me the complete procedure to assigning them as mentioned above.

Is this only for a plane wave? If so, just assign a perfect E boundary to the x-axis walls and a perfect H boundary to the y-axis walls.

You could also use a floquet port setup with master-slave boundaries for a more complicated setup, as described in the HFSS help.

exactly that is what i mean to ask that i'm assigning plane wave but there are only two options one for K and other one for E so what about H... let say if i assign Ex and Ky than H is assigned to Z by default ori have to do something for that also.

H will be determined by the background medium, vacuum by default.

well means i'm going correct with my project?

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