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Tcad sentaurus region calling error

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
I've a question regarding below structure file command , it is used to define the channel region in multifin finfet as n is number of fins and t is the order of the fin

I got error when trying to call the channel region in other file I need to call channel 1, channel 2 and so on depending on the fin order so what is the right syntax for calling it

//////////////////structure file//////////////////////////////// 
;;;;;;;silicon Channel;;;;;;; 
(define t 0) 
(do (( n 0 (+ n 1))) ((> n (- @Nfin@ 1))) 
(sdegeo:create-cuboid (position (+ (* -1 (- (/ SubWidth 2) HalfWidth))(* pitch t)) (* -1 (+ HalfLength @Overlap1@)) 0) (position (+ (* -1 (- (/ SubWidth 2) HalfWidth)) @tSili@ (* pitch t)) (+ HalfLength @Overlap1@) @H@) "Silicon" (string-append 
"Channel" (number->string t))) 

/////////////////Sprocess.cmd file/////////////////////////////////// 
region name=Channel (t) mySiGe change.material
I got syntax error when calling using this method please advise with the correct method

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