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Does anyone knowi f the book 'Phased array antennas handbook' by R. Mailloux is at electronic form?If someone has it, please upload it.
Thanx 8)
I'm also looking for it..
Are u involved in phased array topic?
What not e.m. code do u use to design?
this is not the book but maybe of help
good luck
Collegues, good news!!!
Satellite, can u solve the problem?
It should be a fondamental book shouldn't it?
Best regards
Dear Friends,
of course these two books (Mailloux and Hansen) are the best for the phased arrays.
Satellite, if you could solve the problem of upload!
Best Regards :o
From reading you will be tired just buy the antenna
May be you get here some idea From....
hey plasma
can you give more information about this....
about author and ....
I am looking for it!Sorry,I donnot find it!Please up load this book
(N. Amitay, V. Galindo, C.P. Wu, Theory and Analysis of Phased Array Antennas, Wiley-Interscience, 1972)!!!
Dear friends,
i received gulson approval to upload Hansen book
Good Books.I have download it.
But does somebody have this book:Antenna theory and design,R.Elliott,
revised edition.Thanks.
look at this link through file transfer protocol
I hope u will find much more than you would expect.
maybe this book can be useful for you
/ Warning #1 - Phased Array Fundamentals.pdf deleted.
Stop spamming! This file is already uploaded once in this topic!
- ME
It is not a book,
it is a good tutorial paper presented to an IEE conference!
Hi friends!
Does anyone knowi f the book 'Phased array antennas handbook' by R. Mailloux is at electronic form?If someone has it, please upload it.
Hi friends!
Does anyone know a book about Scan Blindess in linear array?
If someone has it, please upload it.
Thanks in advance
Hi , I study phase array ant before.
That is a art for designer for any pattern of design.
Hope that can help someone to do !
to find some i advice you check these website
http / &
good luck
thanks alot cool post:D
Hi, I just wonder why dont you take an account in the ebooksclub on internet and just try with the key "antenna array", everything would be appeared.