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hfss batch file

时间:03-22 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi, everyone, I have a question about the HFSS v9 simulation queue. Is it possible to ask HFSS to simulate several projects one by one?

I tried to open several HFSS projects and then click "analyze" on each projects. But it seems that the HFSS does simulate all the projects' analysis at the same time. So my question is how to let HFSS simulate one project at each time and then simulate the next one after the previous one complete?


It is possible in HFSS 10.

Hi, pir0texnik. How do you do it in HFSS v10? Maybe I can try the same method in V9.... Thanks


In HFSS 10 ; u open all the projects u want to simulate. select one project and click analyze it will start simulating that project. After that u select second project and click analyze, repeat same thing for all the projects. in menu From tools :opening "show queued simulation" u can see that only 1st simulation started all other are in waiting mode.

No, I think you can not. There is no queue viewer in v9.


I tried in HFSS 10. Have u checked opening the queued simulation window in tools from menu. I t show that first one is being simulated and all other are waiting

Hi, I finally found that in HFSS v9, it is impossible to queuing simulation in HFSS enviroment like v10.... But it seems it can use batch command in DOS mode??? Have somebody tried that before? Thanks

prepare the next batch file (run_hfss.bat) and run it. Change paths to HFSS & ur projects as u need.

start /wait /low C:\Ansoft\HFSS9\hfss.exe -batchsolve "C:\AProject\HFSS9\projectname1.hfss"
start /wait /low C:\Ansoft\HFSS9\hfss.exe -batchsolve "C:\AProject\HFSS9\projectname2.hfss"

Hi, everyone, I execute the batch file but it just open the project and do nothing else. Would you pls tell me what's wrong with it?

Only the following line in the batch file should be enough if hfss.exe is in the PATH.
hfss should open each project, analyze and close sequentially. check command line switches in hfss help. there are a number of them.

hfss.exe -batchsolve "C:\AProject\HFSS9\projectname1.hfss
hfss.exe -batchsolve "C:\AProject\HFSS9\projectname2.hfss

got it, thanks.

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