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时间:03-27 整理:3721RD 点击:
I'm a MTech student, new to CST.
I'm working on a microstrip antenna, to be fabricated on curved(cylindrical) structure. So, I intend to develop a palnar patch on a flexible laminate and mount it on the cylinder.

Now to study the effects of curvatures, I will be running the simulation for cylinder of different radii.

Now the problems I'm facing is that, very often I'm encountered with these warning messages.
1. (Some No) mesh cells are represented in staircase mode and filled with PEC.
2. The calcluation seems to be unstable. Reduce time step/ PBA limit.
3. The mode at inhomogenoes port is hybrid. Reduce port size

Can anybody help me to explain the reasons and implications of these errors on the simulation results and how I can avoid them.

Your help will be of invaluable help.


Excellent. Thanks for sharing.

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i have encounter the first and second problem you have. adjust "mesh" Global mesh Properties until your port does not lie on the mesh. you can increase the mesh line ratio limit or any of the three mesh density control. if the mesh becomes too large apply subgridding on the specials settings. i don't know the third problem you encounter

The third error is due to improper position of waveguide port. If you are using feed to excite the antenna make sure you properly ground the port.

Do check the units that you are using. Ensure it is the correct one

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