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what's the data in the sp file in IE3D

时间:03-22 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi, everyone. I just want to ask a simple question about the sp data in IE3D for 1 port structure.

Obviously the first column is the frequency points, how about the second and third? Are they the real part and image part of the S parameter, or the magnitude and phase?

And how about the meaning of the last few rows, such as:
! acs = 6 12 5 8 3 5 4
! insert_points = 3
! eps2d = 3e-005 3e-005 eps3d = 0.0001 0.0001
! max_factor = 2.5 extract_factor = 0.3 far_factor=0.7
! max_pts = 12 rate_pts = 2.5 next_ratio = 1.5 max_images=500000
! auto_fixed_lambda = 2089884024 increase_rate = 0.1 min_lambda = 100 max_lambda = 1e+006

Any help or just pointing out where the related informations in the Manual will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Hi, Wingji:

The sp file is in the Agilent/EEsoft Touchstone file format. Those lines start with "!" are comments. In the .sp file, they are just some simulation conditions stored there. You can omit them.

Best regards.

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