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definition: archimedean spiral

时间:03-22 整理:3721RD 点击:
hi ,

i want to simulate an archimedean spiral antenna geometry in IE3D , the spiral is of archimedean spiral type and fed at the centre , but i don't know how to give feed(port - excitation) to this spiral antenna in IE3D - which port should i use for good practical accuracy??

if somebody has some idea or example, kindly share.

with regards


Hi, adhi:

The best port type should be the horizontal localized port. You have 2 arms for the 2 spirals. You can try to use a polygon to connect them together. You need to make sure there is one rectangle at the center with both ends connected to the 2 arms. Then, you can define a h-localized port on it.

On the latest IE3D/MGRID, you can just enter 2 points (one inside each tip of the spiral). Then, you can select PORT->DEFINE HORIZONTAL LOCALIZED PORT BETWEEN POINTS. Change the default parameters to appropriate values and select OK. MGRID will build the port for you.

In case you are using the older version, you will not have this command. You can enter the 2 points and create a path (ADV EDIT->BUILD PATH) with appropriate width. It is basicalll a rectangle. You can do ADV EDIT->CUT OVERLAPPED POLYGONS to make sure the entered polygon is connected to the 2 arms. Then, you can try to divide the enter polygon into 3 pieces with the center piece as a rectangle. You can define a h-localized port on it.

Best regards.

Hi jian

When you plan to release the new Full-wave accelerated simulation


Hi, Plasma:

Thank you for your interests. We may release it before the MTT. It is quite stable now. It saves much RAM while we still need to further improve its speed. However, we do plan to release it by MTT.

best regards,

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