How do the lumped ports work?
I really need to know how LUMPED ports work.
For example in CST MWS, the discrete port is placed between two
conducting areas and a reference impedance has to be determined.
With this information, the port constructs an impressed field. RIGHT?
This is very important to me. So if anybody has more information. Please help.
greets elektr0
source or load r put in ports, and they r in equations as well.
hi elektr0,
Take a look at the online help - I think it explains clearly how they are to be used. The reference impedance has nothing to do with the lumped element althoug the lumped element will take on an impedance given by the RLC values that you enter.
Hallo aw,
i actually know how to use lumped ports in CST_MWS and ANSOFT_HFSS,
but I need to know how the source field is determined,
which is used as time varying boudary (excitation).
I am not sure if the discrete port in CST_MWS uses fields as
excitation signal ????
Any ideas ?
hi elektr0,
sorry but i thought you were referring to lumped elements in CST (RLC) - they call their ports discrete ports hence my confusion.
in your first post you referred to impressed field and that is what is actually happening - the field vector is actually prescribed along the cell edge connecting the two ends of the port. I don't know more details about this - only CST and their support can tell you more. Do you have a specific problem or is it just interest?
I've question...
I'm using lumped port (have to design antenna, two substrates, between is feedline, and on top is patch). I want to know how deep to go with feed line? And where begin? On edge or not? Finish where? Below patch or not?
And on which side to put lumped port? The side on edge or below patch(if feed ends below patch)?
Please help!
whether it is electomagnetic couple feed or not??
if so, begin feedline stop ground.