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hspice:Undefined parameter or function definition

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:
netlist: /home/mytools/ycp_work/liberty/sim_data/typical_1v2c25/DFFRX1/pCK_0020r/pCK_0020r.sp
Undefined parameter or function definition "dtox_n12" for n12. Please enter a defined name.
Error: Simulating netlist [/home/mytools/ycp_work/liberty/sim_data/typical_1v2c25/DFFRX1/pCK_0020r/pCK_0020r.sp] fails for cell DFFRX1. (NCXFL-5)
netlist: /home/mytools/ycp_work/liberty/sim_data/typical_1v2c25/DFFRX1/pCK_0008r/pCK_0008r.sp
Undefined parameter or function definition "dtox_n12" for n12. Please enter a defined name.
Error: Simulating netlist [/home/mytools/ycp_work/liberty/sim_data/typical_1v2c25/DFFRX1/pCK_0008r/pCK_0008r.sp] fails for cell DFFRX1. (NCXFL-5)


发现所有的错误提示都有 Undefined parameter or function definition "dtox_n12" for n12. Please enter a defined name.

我也是用NCX要寫出cell library時,遇到了下面的問題,
Sat Aug 31 21:09:27 2013
checking job status... 0 nets queued, 1 jobs running, 1 pending, 0 done.
Sat Aug 31 21:09:58 2013
checking job status...
Warning: Fail to run job for /home/Lab333a/Desktop/NCX_problem_x64/ncx_ERFF/sim_dir/lib/erff_slow_ncx/ERFF/mCK_CK_0000f/mCK_CK_0000f.sp
Warning: Fail to run job for /home/Lab333a/Desktop/NCX_problem_x64/ncx_ERFF/sim_dir/lib/erff_slow_ncx/ERFF/dERFF_0029/dERFF_0029.sp
job [0] [11 simulations]
Warning: Recheck /home/Lab333a/Desktop/NCX_problem_x64/ncx_ERFF/sim_dir/lib/erff_slow_ncx/ERFF/mCK_CK_0000f/mCK_CK_0000f.acq [1].
netlist: /home/Lab333a/Desktop/NCX_problem_x64/ncx_ERFF/sim_dir/lib/erff_slow_ncx/ERFF/mCK_CK_0000f/mCK_CK_0000f.sp
No .acq file detected
Error: Simulating netlist [/home/Lab333a/Desktop/NCX_problem_x64/ncx_ERFF/sim_dir/lib/erff_slow_ncx/ERFF/mCK_CK_0000f/mCK_CK_0000f.sp] fails for cell ERFF. (NCXFL-5)
Warning: Recheck /home/Lab333a/Desktop/NCX_problem_x64/ncx_ERFF/sim_dir/lib/erff_slow_ncx/ERFF/mCK_CK_0000r/mCK_CK_0000r.acq [1].

如果你是用的腳本語言來控制的話,建議檢查下腳本某些語句的正確性。我之前的問題主要來源於從pdf file上面copy下來的程式存在錯誤,導致了很多變量不能正確的設置導致的。

謝謝你的回覆,但我之前有使用原有的library檔去轉出cell template及library template,然後再直接利用轉出來的cell template/ library template,要轉回library就會出現相同的問題,而以下是我一些使用的config檔及轉出來的cell template,DFFSR是我用來測試的cell。
-----------config for generate template--------------------------
set model_file cmn90g_3d3_lk_v2d0.l
set netlist_suffix .sp
set template_suffix .opt
set simulator_type hspice
set simulator_exec /usr/cad/synopsys/hspice/cur/hspice/bin/hspice64
set input_library library/slow.lib
set netlist_dir./netlists
set simulation_dir./sim_dir_template
set work_dir./my_work_template
#True for produce template files, False for produce real delay model
set templatestrue
set timing_arcs_to_template true
set sensitization_to_template true
set timingfalse
set farm_type nofarm
set driver_waveform_to_library false
set log_file template.log
set test_simulator false
------------config for regenerate lib--------------------
set model_file cmn90g_3d3_lk_v2d0.l
set netlist_dir ./netlists
set netlist_suffix .sp
set template_suffix .opt
#set simulator_type hspice
set simulator_exec /usr/cad/synopsys/hspice/cur/hspice/bin/hspice64
set output_library erff_slow_ncx.lib
set input_template_dir ./template
set simulation_dir./sim_dir
set work_dir./my_work
set farm_type nofarm
#True for produce template files, False for produce real delay model
set templates false
#enable AutuFunction
#set auto_function true
#some additional setting
#set hspice_server true
set timingtrue
set powertrue
#set nldmtrue
#set nlpmtrue
set constrainttrue
set design_rules true
#set ccs_timingtrue
#set ccs_powertrue
set driver_waveform_to_library false
set log_file erff_slow.log
set test_simulator false
set max_jobs 1

* Generated by Liberty NCX vH-2013.03
cell_footprint : dffsr ;
area : 20.4624000 ;
cell_leakage_power : 63841.8600000 ;
ncx_ff : true ;
ncx_create_arcs : D D internal_power states default ;
ncx_create_arcs : CK CK internal_power states D\
!D ;
ncx_create_arcs : SN SN internal_power states default ;
ncx_create_arcs : RN RN internal_power states default ;
ncx_create_arcs : * * leakage_power states "!D & !CK & SN & RN & !Q & QN"\
"!D & !CK & SN & RN & Q & !QN"\
"!D & !CK & SN & !RN & !Q & QN"\
"!D & !CK & !SN & RN & Q & !QN"\
"!D & !CK & !SN & !RN & Q & !QN"\
"!D & CK & SN & RN & !Q & QN"\
"!D & CK & SN & RN & Q & !QN"\
"!D & CK & SN & !RN & !Q & QN"\
"!D & CK & !SN & RN & Q & !QN"\
"!D & CK & !SN & !RN & Q & !QN"\
"D & !CK & SN & RN & !Q & QN"\
"D & !CK & SN & RN & Q & !QN"\
"D & !CK & SN & !RN & !Q & QN"\
"D & !CK & !SN & RN & Q & !QN"\
"D & !CK & !SN & !RN & Q & !QN"\
"D & CK & SN & RN & !Q & QN"\
"D & CK & SN & RN & Q & !QN"\
"D & CK & SN & !RN & !Q & QN"\
"D & CK & !SN & RN & Q & !QN"\
"D & CK & !SN & !RN & Q & !QN" ;
ff "IQ" "IQN" {
clocked_on : CK ;
next_state : D ;
clear : !RN ;
preset : !SN ;
clear_preset_var1 : H ;
clear_preset_var2 : L ;
pin D {
direction : input ;
ncx_internal_power_rise_input_transition_time_index : 0 ;
ncx_internal_power_fall_input_transition_time_index : 0 ;
timing {
*** arc id: D_CK_0000
related_pin : CK ;
timing_type : setup_rising ;
ncx_setup_rising_rise_constrained_pin_transition_index : 0 ;
ncx_setup_rising_fall_constrained_pin_transition_index : 0 ;
ncx_setup_rising_rise_related_pin_transition_index : 0 ;
ncx_setup_rising_fall_related_pin_transition_index : 0 ;
timing {
*** arc id: D_CK_0001
related_pin : CK ;
timing_type : hold_rising ;
ncx_hold_rising_rise_constrained_pin_transition_index : 0 ;
ncx_hold_rising_fall_constrained_pin_transition_index : 0 ;
ncx_hold_rising_rise_related_pin_transition_index : 0 ;
ncx_hold_rising_fall_related_pin_transition_index : 0 ;
pin CK {
direction : input ;
clock : true ;
max_transition : 0.5120000 ;
min_pulse_width_high : 0.1903990 ;
min_pulse_width_low : 0.1563230 ;
ncx_internal_power_rise_input_transition_time_index : 0 ;
ncx_internal_power_fall_input_transition_time_index : 0 ;
ncx_active_edge : R ;
ncx_clock : true ;
pin SN {
direction : input ;
min_pulse_width_low : 0.1563230 ;
ncx_internal_power_rise_input_transition_time_index : 0 ;
ncx_internal_power_fall_input_transition_time_index : 0 ;
ncx_preset : L ;
timing {
*** arc id: SN_RN_0000
related_pin : RN ;
timing_type : non_seq_hold_rising ;
define ncx_rise_constraint_scalar : true ;
timing {
*** arc id: SN_CK_0001
related_pin : CK ;
timing_type : setup_rising ;
ncx_setup_rising_rise_constrained_pin_transition_index : 0 ;
ncx_setup_rising_rise_related_pin_transition_index : 0 ;
timing {
*** arc id: SN_CK_0002
related_pin : CK ;
timing_type : hold_rising ;
ncx_hold_rising_rise_constrained_pin_transition_index : 0 ;
ncx_hold_rising_rise_related_pin_transition_index : 0 ;
pin RN {
direction : input ;
min_pulse_width_low : 0.1465870 ;
ncx_internal_power_rise_input_transition_time_index : 0 ;
ncx_internal_power_fall_input_transition_time_index : 0 ;
ncx_clear : L ;
timing {
*** arc id: RN_SN_0000
related_pin : SN ;
timing_type : non_seq_hold_rising ;
define ncx_rise_constraint_scalar : true ;
timing {
*** arc id: RN_CK_0001
related_pin : CK ;
timing_type : setup_rising ;
ncx_setup_rising_rise_constrained_pin_transition_index : 0 ;
ncx_setup_rising_rise_related_pin_transition_index : 0 ;
timing {
*** arc id: RN_CK_0002
related_pin : CK ;
timing_type : hold_rising ;
ncx_hold_rising_rise_constrained_pin_transition_index : 0 ;
ncx_hold_rising_rise_related_pin_transition_index : 0 ;
pin Q {
direction : output ;
function : IQ ;
max_capacitance : 0.0547550 ;
ncx_internal_power_rise_input_transition_time_index : 0 ;
ncx_internal_power_fall_input_transition_time_index : 0 ;
ncx_internal_power_rise_total_output_net_capacitance_index : 17 ;
ncx_internal_power_fall_total_output_net_capacitance_index : 17 ;
ncx_internal_power_rise_equal_or_opposite_output_net_capacitance_index : 0 ;
ncx_internal_power_fall_equal_or_opposite_output_net_capacitance_index : 0 ;
timing {
*** arc id: Q_CK_0000
related_pin : CK ;
timing_type : rising_edge ;
timing_sense : non_unate ;
ncx_rising_edge_rise_input_net_transition_index : 0 ;
ncx_rising_edge_fall_input_net_transition_index : 0 ;
ncx_rising_edge_rise_total_output_net_capacitance_index : 2 ;
ncx_rising_edge_fall_total_output_net_capacitance_index : 2 ;
timing {
*** arc id: Q_SN_0001
related_pin : SN ;
timing_type : preset ;
timing_sense : negative_unate ;
ncx_preset_rise_input_net_transition_index : 0 ;
ncx_preset_fall_input_net_transition_index : 0 ;
ncx_preset_rise_total_output_net_capacitance_index : 2 ;
ncx_preset_fall_total_output_net_capacitance_index : 2 ;
timing {
*** arc id: Q_RN_0002
related_pin : RN ;
timing_type : clear ;
timing_sense : positive_unate ;
ncx_clear_fall_input_net_transition_index : 0 ;
ncx_clear_fall_total_output_net_capacitance_index : 2 ;
pin QN {
direction : output ;
function : IQN ;
max_capacitance : 0.0547550 ;
timing {
*** arc id: QN_CK_0000
related_pin : CK ;
timing_type : rising_edge ;
timing_sense : non_unate ;
ncx_rising_edge_rise_input_net_transition_index : 0 ;
ncx_rising_edge_fall_input_net_transition_index : 0 ;
ncx_rising_edge_rise_total_output_net_capacitance_index : 2 ;
ncx_rising_edge_fall_total_output_net_capacitance_index : 2 ;
timing {
*** arc id: QN_SN_0001
related_pin : SN ;
timing_type : clear ;
timing_sense : positive_unate ;
ncx_clear_rise_input_net_transition_index : 0 ;
ncx_clear_fall_input_net_transition_index : 0 ;
ncx_clear_rise_total_output_net_capacitance_index : 2 ;
ncx_clear_fall_total_output_net_capacitance_index : 2 ;
timing {
*** arc id: QN_RN_0002
related_pin : RN ;
timing_type : preset ;
timing_sense : negative_unate ;
ncx_preset_rise_input_net_transition_index : 0 ;
ncx_preset_rise_total_output_net_capacitance_index : 2 ;
pg_pin VDD {
voltage_name : VDD ;
pg_type : primary_power ;
pg_pin VSS {
voltage_name : VSS ;
pg_type : primary_ground ;
sensitization {
D, CK, SN, RN : Q, QN ;
110000, 011011, 111110, 1 : r, f ;
001111, 011011, 1, 111110 : f, r ;
0, 0, 1010, 0 : r, f ;
0, 1, 1010, 0 : r, f ;
1, 0, 1010, 0 : r, f ;
1, 1, 1010, 0 : r, f ;
0, 0, 0101, 0 : f, r ;
0, 1, 0101, 0 : f, r ;
1, 0, 0101, 0 : f, r ;
1, 1, 0101, 0 : f, r ;
1100000, 0110100, 1111110, 1 : r, f ;
0, 0000001, 0110011, 1100111 : f, r ;
0, 0, 0110011, 1100110 : f, r ;
0011100, 0110111, 1, 1111110 : f, r ;
1, 00001, 10111, 00011 : r, f ;
1, 0, 10110, 00011 : r, f ;
0011111, 0110100, 1, 1111110 : f, r ;
1100011, 0110111, 1111110, 1 : r, f ;
1100000, 0110111, 1111101, 1 : r, f ;
0011111, 0110111, 1, 1111101 : f, r ;
0, 0000001, 0110011, 1100111 : f, r ;
0, 0000011, 0110001, 1100111 : 11, 00 ;
1, 00001, 10111, 00011 : r, f ;
1, 00011, 10111, 00001 : 00, 11 ;
0, 0, 01011, 00001 : f, r ;
0, 0, 01001, 00011 : 11, 00 ;
0, 1, 01011, 00001 : f, r ;
0, 1, 01001, 00011 : 11, 00 ;
1, 0, 01011, 00001 : f, r ;
1, 0, 01001, 00011 : 11, 00 ;
1, 1, 01011, 00001 : f, r ;
1, 1, 01001, 00011 : 11, 00 ;
11000011, 01101001, 1, 1 : r, f ;
110000110, 011010011, 1, 1 : r, f ;
11000000, 01101000, 11111101, 1 : r, f ;
0, 00000010, 01100111, 11001111 : f, r ;
0, 11111101, 01100111, 11001111 : f, r ;
0, 0, 01100111, 11001101 : f, r ;
00111000, 01101111, 1, 11111101 : f, r ;
1, 000010, 101111, 000111 : r, f ;
1, 111101, 101111, 000111 : r, f ;
1, 0, 101101, 000111 : r, f ;
00111100, 01101001, 1, 1 : f, r ;
001111001, 011010011, 1, 1 : f, r ;
00111111, 01101000, 1, 11111101 : f, r ;
11000111, 01101111, 11111101, 1 : r, f ;




LZ 我想问一下 这个问题您当时解决了么?





请问下 在哪个文件的器件写成一行呢?

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