今天做cadence的ELC时候,使用到自己做的INV单元的网表和TSMC35 的spectre仿真模型,读入后显示如下:
[WARNING(db_prepare)] spice syntax warning: RES_VA : no definition of the subckt
=> XR1 N1 N2 RES_VA
[WARNING(db_prepare)] spice syntax warning: RES_VA : no definition of the subckt
=> XR1 N1 N2 RES_VA
[WARNING(db_prepare)] spice syntax warning: RES_VA : no definition of the subckt
=> XR1 N1 N2 RES_VA
[WARNING(db_prepare)] spice syntax warning: RES_VA : no definition of the subckt
=> XR1 N1 N2 RES_VA
[WARNING(db_prepare)] spice syntax warning: RES_VA : no definition of the subckt
=> XR1 N1 N2 RES_VA
[WARNING(db_prepare)] spice syntax warning: RES_VA : no definition of the subckt
=> XR1 N1 N2 RES_VA
[WARNING(db_prepare)] spice syntax warning: RES_VA : no definition of the subckt
=> XR1 N1 N2 RES_VA
[WARNING(db_prepare)] spice syntax warning: RES_VA : no definition of the subckt
=> XR1 N1 N2 RES_VA
[WARNING(db_prepare)] spice syntax warning: RES_VA : no definition of the subckt
=> XR1 N1 N2 RES_VA
[WARNING(db_prepare)] spice syntax warning: RES_VA : no definition of the subckt
=> XR1 N1 N2 RES_VA
[WARNING(db_prepare)] spice syntax warning: RES_VA : no definition of the subckt
=> XR1 N1 N2 RES_VA
[WARNING(db_prepare)] spice syntax warning: RES_VA : no definition of the subckt
=> XR1 N1 N2 RES_VA
[WARNING(db_prepare)] spice syntax warning: RES_VA : no definition of the subckt
=> XR1 N1 N2 RES_VA
[WARNING(db_prepare)] spice syntax warning: RES_VA : no definition of the subckt
=> XR1 N1 N2 RES_VA
[WARNING(db_prepare)] spice syntax warning: RES_VA : no definition of the subckt
=> XR1 N1 N2 RES_VA
[WARNING(db_prepare)] spice syntax warning: RES_VA : no definition of the subckt
=> XR1 N1 N2 RES_VA
[WARNING(db_prepare)] spice syntax warning: RES_VA : no definition of the subckt
=> XR1 N1 N2 RES_VA
[WARNING(db_prepare)] spice syntax warning: RES_VA : no definition of the subckt
=> XR1 N1 N2 RES_VA
ELC 是什么?
我解决了 是由于工艺提供的不是spectre格式的,是spice的 使用spp工具将格式转换下就ok
我db_spice后,simmulate失败,我看到log里面有“analysis not specify”
在elclog目录下面,生成的.sp文件里面有SPICE的语法:比如.measure 。
Encounter Library Characterizer特征化时候用的。