带PAD的设计出现错误,问:是否MW library错误?跪求解决办法,急!
RTL中 进行实例化:
pc3d01 CS(.PAD(csn),.CIN(net_csn));
inv0d0 inv (.I(net_en),.ZN(net_EN));en 为输出使能端,inv0d0为MW库IC035os142中的单元。从下面的结果可以看出,反相器调用无错
pc3t01 OUT (.I(net_out),.OEN(net_EN),.PAD(out));其中pc3t01为三态输出型PAD,pt3d01为输入型PAD,其均为MW库IC035io122_3l中的PAD
icc_shell> check_library部分结果如下:
Number of cells with missing or mismatched pins in libraries:176
Error: missing data found. Please refer to LIBCHK-212.(LIBCHK-101)
Warning: List of pins missing in logic library (LIBCHK-212)
Physical libraryCell namePin namePin direction
Error: List of pins mismatched in logic and physical libraries (LIBCHK-213)
Logic library:IC035io122_max
Physical library: /home/ICC/mw_lib/IC035io122_3l
Pin directionPin type
Cell namePin nameLogicPhysicalLogicPhysical
pc3t01VDDunknownprimary powersignal
pc3d01VDDunknownprimary powersignal
icc_shell> check_tlu_plus_files 结果如下:
Information: linking reference library : /home/ICC/mw_lib/IC035io122_3l. (PSYN-878)
Information: linking reference library : /home//ICC/mw_lib/IC035os142. (PSYN-878)
Linking design 'TOP'
Using the following designs and libraries:
* (7 designs)TOP.CEL, etc
IC035os142_max (library)/home/ICC/db/IC035os142_max.db
IC035os142_min (library)/home/ICC/db/IC035os142_min.db
IC035io122_max (library)/home/ICC/db/IC035io122_max.db
IC035io122_min (library)/home/ICC/db/IC035io122_min.db
Error: Can't find input port 'VSSO' on reference to 'pc3t01' in 'TOP'. (LINK-1)
Warning: Unable to resolve reference 'pc3t01' in 'TOP'. (LINK-5)
Error: Can't find input port 'VSSO' on reference to 'pc3d01' in 'TOP'. (LINK-1)
Warning: Unable to resolve reference 'pc3d01' in 'TOP'. (LINK-5)
Error: Can't find input port 'VSSO' on reference to 'pc3d01' in 'TOP'. (LINK-1)
Warning: Unable to resolve reference 'pc3d01' in 'TOP'. (LINK-5)
Error: Can't find input port 'VSSO' on reference to 'pc3d01' in 'TOP'. (LINK-1)
Warning: Unable to resolve reference 'pc3d01' in 'TOP'. (LINK-5)
Load global CTS reference options from NID to stack
# GUI Debug: Building dc from empty. -- Time: 1sec 318ms
Sanity check for TLU+ vs MW-Tech files:
max_tlu+: /home/ICC/tluplus/CSMC6S035DPTM_M3524_tran_max.TLUPlus
min_tlu+: /home/ICC/tluplus/CSMC6S035DPTM_M3524_tran_min.TLUPlus
mapping_file: /home/ICC/tluplus/CSMC035DPTMPCMM.map
max_emul_tlu+: **NONE**
min_emul_tlu+: **NONE**
MW design lib: xx
--------- Sanity Check on TLUPlus Files -------------
1. Checking the conducting layer names in ITF and mapping file ...
[ Passed! ]
2. Checking the via layer names in ITF and mapping file ...
[ Passed! ]
3. Checking the consistency of Min Width and Min Spacing between MW-tech and ITF ...
[ Passed! ]
----------------- Check Ends ------------------
derive_pg_connection -power_net VDD -power_pin VDD -ground_net VSS -ground_pin VSS
derive_pg_connection-power_net VDDO -power_pin VDDO -ground_net VSSO -ground_pin VSSO
derive_pg_connection-power_net VDDQ -power_pin VDDQ -ground_net VSSQ -ground_pin VSSQ
derive_pg_connection -power_net VDD -ground_net VSS –tie
icc_shell> source scripts/derive_pg.tcl
begin derive_pg_connection...
--- connected 1081 power ports and 1081 ground ports
Information: PG PORT PUNCHING: Number of ports connected:2162 (MW-337)
Information: PG PORT PUNCHING: Total number of changes:2162 (MW-339)
begin derive_pg_connection...
Error: Pin name VDDO specified by power_pin or ground_pin option is invalid. (MWUI-715)
Error: Pin name VSSO specified by power_pin or ground_pin option is invalid. (MWUI-715)
derive pg failed
begin derive_pg_connection...
Error: Pin name VDDQ specified by power_pin or ground_pin option is invalid. (MWUI-715)
Error: Pin name VSSQ specified by power_pin or ground_pin option is invalid. (MWUI-715)
derive pg failed
begin derive_pg_connection...
-- reconnected total 1 tie highs and 8 tie lows
Information: PG PORT PUNCHING: Number of ports connected:1 (MW-337)
Information: PG PORT PUNCHING: Total number of changes:1 (MW-339)
ref lib里的pg pin类型不对。
milkyway里跑 dbDumpGPortTable "IC035io122_3l" "IC035io122_3l.gport.dump",把vdd vss vsso这些pin纠正过来,改成inout power/ground,再load回去
dbSetCellPortTypes "IC035io122_3l" "pc3d01" '(
("CIN" "Output" )
("PAD" "Input" )
) #f
dbSetCellPortTypes "IC035io122_3l" "pc3t01" '(
("I" "Input" )
("OEN" "Input" "TristateDisable" )
("PAD" "Output" "Tristate" )
) #f
pc3d01、pc3t01并未显示VDD/VSS、VDDO/VSSO、VDDQ/VSSQ 端口,请问:我该如何修改?在哪修改?修改之后该怎样load回去?
dbSetCellPortTypes "LIB" "CELL" '(
("VDD" "Inout" "Power" )
("VSS" "Inout" "Ground" )
) #f
请问小编 是如何解决的呢?