锁存器 时序分析
各位前辈:触发器的时序分析 是 以时钟延为基准,那么锁存器的 建立时间 保持时间 怎么分析,以什么为基准?
If the data arrives after the opening edge of PH2 (Arrival b), the first path (from L1 to L2) borrows time from the second path (from L2 to L3). In that case, the launch of data for the second path occurs not at the opening edge, but at the data arrival time at L2, at some time between the opening and closing edges of PH2. This timing requirement is labeled Setup 2b. When borrowing occurs, the path originates at the D pin rather than the G pin of L2.
For the first path (from L1 to L2), PrimeTime reports the setup slack as zero if borrowing occurs. The slack is positive if the data arrives before the opening edge at time=10, or negative (a violation) if the data arrives after the closing edge at time=20.
hold check

To perform hold checking, PrimeTime considers the launch and capture edges relative to the setup check. It verifies that data launched at the startpoint does not reach the endpoint too quickly, thereby ensuring that data launched in the previous cycle is latched and not overwritten by the new data.
触发器的时序分析 是 以时钟沿为基准,那么锁存器的 建立时间 保持时间 怎么分析,以什么为基准?
latch time borrowing, 同时说明了setup如何check,详见pt ug
If the data arrives after the opening edge of PH2 (Arrival b), the first path (from L1 to L2) borrows time from the second path (from L2 to L3). In that case, the launch of data for the second path occurs not at the opening edge, but at the data arrival time at L2, at some time between the opening and closing edges of PH2. This timing requirement is labeled Setup 2b. When borrowing occurs, the path originates at the D pin rather than the G pin of L2.
For the first path (from L1 to L2), PrimeTime reports the setup slack as zero if borrowing occurs. The slack is positive if the data arrives before the opening edge at time=10, or negative (a violation) if the data arrives after the closing edge at time=20.
hold check

To perform hold checking, PrimeTime considers the launch and capture edges relative to the setup check. It verifies that data launched at the startpoint does not reach the endpoint too quickly, thereby ensuring that data launched in the previous cycle is latched and not overwritten by the new data.