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ic615 64bit打开库的错误

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:
我有一CMSC05的工艺库,在IC615 32bit下能正常显示,但是切换到IC615 64bit后出现以下问题:
*WARNING* (DB-270001): Pcell evaluation for CSMC05MS/pmos4/layout has the following error(s):
*WARNING* (DB-270002): ("eval" 0 t nil ("*Error* eval: undefined function" PasGetDeviceProps))
*WARNING* (DB-270003): Error kept in "errorDesc" property of the label "pcellEvalFailed" on layer/purpose "marker/error" in the submaster.
*WARNING* (DB-270001): Pcell evaluation for CSMC05MS/nmos4/layout has the following error(s):
*WARNING* (DB-270002): ("eval" 1 t nil ("*Error* eval: undefined function" PasGetDeviceProps))
*WARNING* (DB-270003): Error kept in "errorDesc" property of the label "pcellEvalFailed" on layer/purpose "marker/error" in the submaster.
*WARNING* (DB-270001): Pcell evaluation for CSMC05MS/ntap/layout has the following error(s):
*WARNING* (DB-270002): ("eval" 2 t nil ("*Error* eval: undefined function" PasGetDeviceProps))
*WARNING* (DB-270003): Error kept in "errorDesc" property of the label "pcellEvalFailed" on layer/purpose "marker/error" in the submaster.
*WARNING* (DB-270001): Pcell evaluation for CSMC05MS/ptap/layout has the following error(s):
*WARNING* (DB-270002): ("eval" 3 t nil ("*Error* eval: undefined function" PasGetDeviceProps))
*WARNING* (DB-270003): Error kept in "errorDesc" property of the label "pcellEvalFailed" on layer/purpose "marker/error" in the submaster.


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