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max_transition violations when doing signoff STA

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi, everyone,
no max_transition violations is reported in ICC, during which stage, min_max corner is used with both max and min tluplus is provided.
however, when doing signoff STA in the Worst corner, lots of max_transition violations are reproted, among which the largest negtative slach is -0.3, and I provided these endpoint to ICC using focal_opt, ending with no success.
and how to fix these problems?
thanks in advance.

the same SDC , ? samemax_fanout/max_transition/max_capacitance constraints ?
icc correlate well with pt ,
for the transition /cap violations the tool can not fix ,
pleasefix them manully ,normally can not clean all of them inside ICC ,

thanks icfbicfb,
yeah, the SDC is the same, however, too many max_transition violations are reported under the WC corner when doing signoff STA, which makes it impossible to fix them manually......

The RC might be slightly different in ICC and PT, can this be the cause?

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