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*ERROR* at *capgen*: capgen fails due to process file error

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:
hello,everybody,I use assure xrc to extract parasitic r and c. When I run rcx, the above error appears , I donnot know why, can you give some advice? Thanks very much!

please confirm your Assura-RCX version is compatible with the tech file.

The techfile requires av4.1, and assura i used is version4.1. So the version is match.
I have no problem at LVS, so I think assura version is not a problem. Do you know other reason for this error?
Thanks for your attention.

Could you plese provide the log file for the reference?

Following is the log file which include warnings and errors. Thanks for your contiuous attention.

capgen Capgen results will be written to directory: /net/ccic14/export/home/zhuguang/SMIC65/calibre/post/lvs/VCO
*WARNING* at "capgen": In the 'metal_variations' section, 2 RDL layers 'Metal10' and 'ALRDL' are detected!
*WARNING* at "capgen": An RDL layer is defined as a layer whose min_width is more than 10 times the smallest min_width ('0.000000'in this procfile)
*WARNING* at "capgen": Keyword 'auto_comb' cannot work with a process file with 2 or more RDL layers. Need to create the 'metal_variations' and 'metal_combinations' sections manually
*ERROR* at "capgen": capgen fails due to process file error
Forking:/net/ccic15/export/eda/cadence/ASSURA41-5141_lnx86/tools/assura/bin/32bit/capgen -techdir /net/ccic14/export/home/zhuguang/SMIC65/assura_smic65llrf_tech/./qrc -lvs /net/ccic14/export/home/zhuguang/SMIC65/calibre/post/lvs/VCO.xcn -p2lvs /net/ccic14/export/home/zhuguang/SMIC65/assura_smic65llrf_tech/./qrc/p2lvsfile -sw3d -length_units meters -cap_unit 1 -cap_ground_layer psub -exclude_gate_res -dsub nwell,psub /net/ccic14/export/home/zhuguang/SMIC65/calibre/post/lvs/VCO
*WARNING* Bad return status from RCX script generator. 0x100

Please try QRC for the extraction instead of Assura-RCX.
This "auto_comb" feature in the process file is a QRC option that is not supported in Assura RCX.

what's your exact meaning? I'm junior of IC design and not familiar with the assura tool or calibre.
Can you explain the details and tell me how I should do with your rely "use QRC instead of assura-RCX"?
Thanks very much!

QRC is next generation of extraction tool from Cadence. You can use QRC after Assura LVS. Please download software EXT and install it.

i meet the same error,the QRC ‘procfile’ have the statement “auto_comb”while XRC‘s ’procfile‘ not have。i just use the QRC files to run XRC


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