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时间:12-12 整理:3721RD 点击:
最近项目里用到镁光的slc Flash,询价过程中,原厂的价格和spectek(大s)的价格差别很大。芯片厂商解释说是同一片晶圆上不同部分做出来的,具体我就不懂了。有哪位大神能不能帮解释一下?另外就是这两种芯片在性能上,品质上有多大的差别?

估计是工艺不稳定,uniformity 不好。一片wafer上有的好有的差。
至于差在什么方面,不太好说。表现出来可能读写擦除速度差,也可能cycling performance 差,好的能读写100k次,差的只能10k次。或者操作功耗高。
顺道问下,slc nand flash ,价格是多少钱,比如1G bit,货或1G Byte。


I work in NAND flash R&D, so I can give you a professional answer. After fab, every die is die sorted. Even on the same wafer, some die does not pass certain D/S criteria. Sometimes manufactures sell low quality dies at cheaper price, or downgrade it, e.g. use only MLC instead of TLC. Usually, they have slower speed but not worse endurance. Or their D/S conditions are less strict, which means they will have less operation temperature range.
Hope the above helps.

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