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IDT Sr. System Validation Engineer

时间:12-12 整理:3721RD 点击:
If you're interested in the position, or any question about it, feel free to let me know, thanks.
Location: Shanghai  
Job Descriptions:
- Develop validation plan, execute validation task and carry out validation summary and report.
- Address product quality issue, highlight the bugs to design team and drive improvement and bug fix.
- Work across with design team, software team and global team for bug fix and product development.
- Support customer’s issue and give proper feedback with feasible solution.

- MS/BS in EE or related.
- Five year or more experience in silicon test debug and application.
- Good knowledge and experience in electrical characterization and especially high speed signal measurement, analysis and debug.
- Strong knowledge of DDR protocol, testing and application. Known about RCD and DB is plus.
- Familiar with computer system architecture, especially for Intel x86 server system.
- Proactive sense to product quality assurance and strong problem catching and analysis skill.
- Good at test script writing skill such as Python, Perl…
- Good experience with lab equipment such as oscilloscopes, pattern generator…
- Good attitude and great patience to routing test tasks.
- Strong written and oral communication skill. Good at English.
Email: justin.xie@idt.com
QQ: 1652210975

This position is still available.
If you're interested in the position, please contact me ASAP, thanks.

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