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BDA Analog FastSPICE (AFS) Platform

时间:12-12 整理:3721RD 点击:
The Analog FastSPICE™ (AFS) Platform is the world’s fastest nanometer
circuit verification platform for analog, RF, mixed-signal, and custom
digital circuits. More than 120 companies use the AFS Platform for their
toughest circuit verification challenges, including high-speed I/O, PLLs,
ADCs/DACs, CMOS image sensors, RFICs, and embedded memory.
[linux@solaris lna]$ afs lna_dna_advisor.scs -f psfbin -o
lna_dna_advisor.psfbin -l lna_dna_advisor.log
Trying to acquire 1 AFS Nano license(s) for invocation
Checkout succeeded: BDA_NANO/0669 8689 6FAA 636F
        License file: /eda/mentor/bda_root/license.lic
        License Server: 1721@solaris
Acquired AFS Nano license
* Version: AFS 64-bit (2014_Q2)                                                  
* Build date: Wed May 28 16:36:33 PDT 2014                                      
* User: linux, Host: solaris.localdomain, Proc id: 1980                          
* Working Directory:
/home/linux/eda/mentor/bda_root/examples/afs/RF/Spectre/lna *
* OS: Linux, Machine Type: x86_64                                                
* Copyright 2004-2014 Mentor Graphics Corporation                                
* All Rights Reserved.                                                          
* LICENSORS AND IS SUBJECT TO LICENSE TERMS.                                    
Job Start Time: Mon Sep 15 23:20:17 2014
***** Command-Line Options
afs lna_dna_advisor.scs -f psfbin -o lna_dna_advisor.psfbin -l
***** Memory Information
Physical Memory : 1.70 GB
Available Memory: 1015.96 MB
***** CPU Information
Model Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz
Processor  PhysicalID  CoreID  Frequency(MHz)
     0          0         0       3390.886
     1          1         0       3390.886
     2          2         0       3390.886
     3          3         0       3390.886
     4          4         0       3390.886
     5          5         0       3390.886
     6          6         0       3390.886
     7          7         0       3390.886
Machine Load: 0 out of 8 processor cores busy.
uantity.spectre:6: The line with quantity is ignored..
uantity.spectre:12: The line with quantity is ignored..
uantity.spectre:18: The line with quantity is ignored..
uantity.spectre:24: The line with quantity is ignored..
uantity.spectre:30: The line with quantity is ignored..
        Further occurrences of this warning will be suppressed.
Circuit has only 28 unmerged elements; the AFS Nano license needed has
already been acquired at invocation
SIM_WARNING[ANA307]: Multi-threading (MT) disabled; it is enabled by default
only for transient analysis alone or if accompanied by
dc/monte/alter/sweep/data analyses. To enforce multi-threading please
specify --mt/-N command-line options.
Number of processor cores (limited by system) available: 8
Number of processor cores to be used for multi-threading a single simulation
run (mt): 1
SIM_WARNING[GEN93]: No DC path to ground from node lna_inP on bsim3v31
'I2.M1', adding gmin= 1.000000e-12
SIM_WARNING[GEN93]: No DC path to ground from node lna_inN on bsim3v31
'I2.M0', adding gmin= 1.000000e-12
SIM_WARNING[GEN93]: No DC path to ground from node net22 on simple capacitor
'C8', adding gmin= 1.000000e-12
Summary of possible problems in circuit:
  Open-circuit current source   0      
  Dangling MOS gate             0      
  Dangling MOS bulk             0      
  Dangling BJT substrate        0      
  Dangling controlling node     0      
  Dangling controlled isource   0      
  Non-rail bulk terminal        0      
Running a single threaded (--mt 1) simulation
Circuit equation has 16 nodes 24 unknowns 28 elements
Circuit has no internal nodes in MOS elements.
Circuit inventory:
                      bsim3v31   6      
                     capacitor   7      
                      inductor   2      
                       isource   1      
                          port   2      
                      resistor   4      
                   transformer   2      
                       vsource   4      
bin parameters        #resistors  #merged    #trimmed  #dangling
1.0e+01 -> 1.0e+02          2          0          0          0  
1.0e+03 -> 1.0e+04          2          0          0          0  
bin parameters        #capacitors  #merged    #trimmed  #dangling
1.0e-13 -> 1.0e-12          3          0          0          0  
1.0e-11 -> 1.0e-10          4          0          0          0  
bin parameters        #inductors  #merged    #trimmed  #dangling
1.0e-08 -> 1.0e-07          2          0          0          0  
***** Options Used
reltol=0.0001 vabstol=1e-06 iabstol=1e-12 temp=27 tnom=27 scale=1.0
gmin=1e-12 rforce=1 maxwarns=5
***** Options Ignored
scalem maxnotes digits cols pivrel sensfile "../psf/sens.output"
checklimitdest psf
***** Analyses Used
dcOp dc maxiter = 150 maxsteps = 10000 annotate = status
scs:92: Keyword annotate ignored.
dcOpInfo info what = oppoint where = rawfile largesignalname = dcOp
Trying to upgrade licensing by exchanging 1 AFS Nano license(s) with 1 AFS
license(s) to enable 'pss' analysis
Released AFS Nano license
All AFS Nano licenses released for upgrading to AFS license(s).
Trying to acquire the initial AFS license
Checkout succeeded: BDA_TOKEN/1D66 1B92 F835 C6EF
        License file: /eda/mentor/bda_root/license.lic
        License Server: 1721@solaris
Acquired AFS license
Upgrade from AFS Nano license mode to AFS license mode successful
pss pss tperiod = 4.1666666666666668e-10 nharm = 7 errpreset = conservative
tstab = 1e-08 annotate = status
scs:119: Keyword annotate ignored.
designParamVals info what = parameters where = rawfile largesignalname =
***** Info analyses Ignored
modelParameter info what = models where = rawfile largesignalname = dcOp
element info what = inst where = rawfile largesignalname = dcOp
outputParameter info what = output where = rawfile largesignalname = dcOp
primitives info what = primitives where = rawfile largesignalname = dcOp
subckts info what = subckts where = rawfile largesignalname = dcOp
***** Parsing and Setup Complete; Total Parsing Time:
        Wallclock Time: 00 00:00:00
        CPU Time: 00 00:00:00
**** Probe Information
7 Simple probes.
Total number of probes 7
Starting Operating Point Analysis..
        reltol = 0.0001
        abstol(I) = 1 pA      
        abstol(V) = 1 uV      
        temp = 27 C      
        tnom = 27 C      
        gmin = 1 pS      
        useabsorbedrds = no
        fixtopologyresistor = 1e+12
        merge = yes
        postprocessmeasure = no
        uselumpedmodel = 0
        mt = 1
        msolver = 0
        msolverdc = new auto selection
        maxiterationsfordc = 150
        ctrim = 0
        rtrim = 0
        seriesmerge = OFF
        remove dangling element = ON
        fixdanglingnodes = 2
Starting traditional Newton Raphson..
SIM_WARNING[ANA4]: For dc analysis, traditional Newton Raphson did not
Starting allgmin stepping..
For dc analysis, allgmin stepping successful at 1.000000e-03
For dc analysis, allgmin stepping successful at 1.000000e-04
For dc analysis, allgmin stepping successful at 1.000000e-05
For dc analysis, allgmin stepping successful at 1.000000e-06
For dc analysis, allgmin stepping successful at 1.000000e-07
For dc analysis, allgmin stepping successful at 1.000000e-08
For dc analysis, allgmin stepping successful at 1.000000e-09
For dc analysis, allgmin stepping successful at 1.000000e-10
For dc analysis, allgmin stepping successful at 1.000000e-11
For dc analysis, allgmin stepping successful at 1.000000e-12
allgmin stepping finished successfully.
For DC analysis, allgmin stepping finished successfully.
***** Simulation Statistics For This Analysis:
Elapsed WallClock Time (HH:MM:SS) in Analysis: 00 00:00:00.
Elapsed WallClock Time (HH:MM:SS) in Analysis (excluding setup) : 00
DC: Time in Analysis: 00 00:00:00.
Number of TimeSteps:          0.
Current Process  Resident Memory (KB): 38472
Operating Point Analysis finished successfully.
Starting Info Analysis..
Info Analysis finished successfully.
Starting Periodic Steady State Analysis..
        fund = 2.40 GHz  
        npoints = 200
        tstart = 0 s      
        tstab = 10 ns    
        skipdc = no
        reltol = 1e-05
        abstol(I) = 1 pA      
        abstol(V) = 1 uV      
        temp = 27 C      
        tnom = 27 C      
        errpreset = conservative
***** For DC analysis, traditional Newton Raphson finished successfully.
***** DC Analysis Complete: DC Time (00 00:00:00)
DC CPU Time: 00 00:00:00
Trying step 1 during PSS analysis..
Autoselected Solver 0
Running transient from 0.000000e+00 to 1.000000e-08.
Tstab transient has 2.400e+01 cycles of fund = 2.400e+09 Hz, took elapsed
time = 1.139e-01 and cpu time = 3.200e-02
Autoselected Solver 0
Running transient from 1.000000e-08 to 1.041667e-08.
Autoselected Solver 0
Running transient from 1.000000e-08 to 1.041667e-08.
   delta(V6#branch)= +1.95835e-07  converge norm= 2.1e+03
Running transient from 1.000000e-08 to 1.041667e-08.
   delta(net24)= +0.000364319  converge norm= 77
Running transient from 1.000000e-08 to 1.041667e-08.
   delta(net24)= +5.41632e-05  converge norm= 11
Running transient from 1.000000e-08 to 1.041667e-08.
   delta(net24)= -0.000364482  converge norm= 77
Running transient from 1.000000e-08 to 1.041667e-08.
   delta(net24)= +0.000143431  converge norm= 30
Running transient from 1.000000e-08 to 1.041667e-08.
   delta(net24)= -0.000146207  converge norm= 31
Running transient from 1.000000e-08 to 1.041667e-08.
   delta(net24)= -0.000231284  converge norm= 49
Running transient from 1.000000e-08 to 1.041667e-08.
   delta(net24)= +0.000361367  converge norm= 76
Running transient from 1.000000e-08 to 1.041667e-08.
   delta(net24)= +0.000168221  converge norm= 36
Running transient from 1.000000e-08 to 1.041667e-08.
   delta(net24)= +8.20194e-05  converge norm= 17
Running transient from 1.000000e-08 to 1.041667e-08.
   delta(net24)= -0.00052237  converge norm= 1.1e+02
Running transient from 1.000000e-08 to 1.041667e-08.
   delta(net22)= +0.000934523  converge norm= 2e+02
Running transient from 1.000000e-08 to 1.041667e-08.
   delta(net22)= +0.000134688  converge norm= 29
Running transient from 1.000000e-08 to 1.041667e-08.
   delta(net24)= -0.00070648  converge norm= 1.5e+02
Running transient from 1.000000e-08 to 1.041667e-08.
   delta(net24)= +0.00018001  converge norm= 38
Running transient from 1.000000e-08 to 1.041667e-08.
   delta(net24)= -0.000355518  converge norm= 75
Running transient from 1.000000e-08 to 1.041667e-08.
   delta(net22)= +0.000534548  converge norm= 1.1e+02
Running transient from 1.000000e-08 to 1.041667e-08.
   delta(net24)= -0.000742961  converge norm= 1.6e+02
Running transient from 1.000000e-08 to 1.041667e-08.
   delta(net24)= +0.00028541  converge norm= 60
Running transient from 1.000000e-08 to 1.041667e-08.
   delta(net22)= +0.000594933  converge norm= 1.3e+02
Running transient from 1.000000e-08 to 1.041667e-08.
   delta(net24)= -0.000661804  converge norm= 1.4e+02
residue(V4#branch)= -1.73264e-14  converge norm= 0.0015
***** Simulation Statistics For This Analysis:
Elapsed WallClock Time (HH:MM:SS) in Analysis: 00 00:00:00.
Elapsed WallClock Time (HH:MM:SS) in Analysis (excluding setup) : 00
DC: Time in Analysis: 00 00:00:00.
Number of TimeSteps:        202.
Current Process  Resident Memory (KB): 41108
Periodic Steady State Analysis finished successfully.
Info Analysis finished successfully.
List of Suppressed  Messages ([message id]: count (last suppressed message):
    [HIN274]: 4
quantity.spectre:54: The line with quantity is ignored..)
Machine Load: 0 out of 8 processor cores busy.
******** SIMULATION finished with 0 error(s) and 16 warning(s) ********
***** Acquiring a License Time:  0 00:00:00
Job Start Time: Mon Sep 15 23:20:17 2014
Job End Time:   Mon Sep 15 23:20:19 2014
Elapsed time:  0 00:00:02
Released AFS license
[linux@solaris lna]$

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