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Cadence SH招数字后端软件开发工程师

时间:12-12 整理:3721RD 点击:
1.  Senior Software Engineer for EDI IPO
     Position Description:
?    Working on EDI IPO function on CCR fixing, memory and performance profiling as well as new enhancements.
  Position Requirements:
?    MS/PHD from computer science, EE, math or related
?    The candidate must be also smart to capture new EDA technologies, and switch among different areas successfully.
?    Strong problem-solving, architecture, algorithmic.
?    Familiar with interpreted language such as TCL is a plus.
2.  Senior Member of Technical Staff
      Position Description:
?    Responsible for developing and maintain physical verification engine in EDI systems.
?    Responsible for implementation for physical design rule check of advanced node process.
?    Responsible for performance improvement in current physical verification engine.
       Position Requirements:
?    The candidate should be very strong at complex software development with C or C++ on UNIX platform, domain knowledge at Physical Design Rule is preferred.
?    The candidate will be responsible for development of complicated algorithms to check design rule violation among huge geometries, the experience to handle large data manipulation is preferred.
?    MS or PHD degree of CS/EE/Math or others related.
?    Good team player with strong written and verbal communication skills
?    Familiar with LEF/DEF is preferred, and the ability to geometrical operation is definitely a plus.


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