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猎头职位,新加坡美资top5芯片公司,Digital Design Engineers

时间:12-12 整理:3721RD 点击:
帮美资公司代招,关键词, Mixed-Signal Power Management ASICs,用在手机上的,英语流利(全英文面试)。经验至少3年以上,有想去新加坡发展的合适的候选人请和我联系。susan-lu@kthr.com
Digital Design Engineers for Mixed-Signal Power Management ASICs (Singapore)
Location: Singapore
Design candidates will have a minimum of 2-3 years of relevant experience and must have detailed knowledge of digital ASIC design including architecture, RTL design for control and signal processing functions, linting, synthesis, STA, and DFT. Design candidates must also have experience with leading-edge ASIC development tools from Synopsys, Mentor, or Cadence. Experience designing mixed signal interfaces and integrating digital modules into mixed-signal ASICs is desirable. Verification candidates should have a minimum of 2-3 years of relevant experience and must have detailed knowledge of self-checking testbench architectures (including directed and random-constrained generation) and coverage-driven verification techniques at the functional, assertion and code levels. Verification candidates will also have a working understanding of Object Oriented System Verilog principles. Experience with VMM, OVM, or UVM is desirable as is experience verifying digital modules in mixed-signal ASICs.

Successful candidates will be responsible for leading, and participating in, the design and verification of leading edge ASICs in advanced digital CMOS processes for multi-function mobile platforms.

Education Requirements
Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering required. Master's degree in Electrical Engineering preferred.
Interested individual please contact with Susan Lu for further confidential discussion via:
Tel: +86(21)61023600 * 808
Email: susan-lu@kthr.com
* Your private information will be treated in strict confidence and used only for recruitment purpose. Thanks.


其实很多digital design的职位在招聘的时候不限定产品方向的,或者比较大的方向,如通信,消费类电子。


Audio Codec之类的才算混合信号,电源管理就是模拟电路,里面的数字可不单单是数字规模小的问题,重要的是这种部门的老板都是模拟出身,他们本身就会把作数字的当成螺丝钉,做项目完全按照模拟设计的思路来,你给他们讲数字的流程完全是鸡同鸭讲。你做大规模数字设计,还有摆脱螺丝钉的机会。你在一个top5的公司里面做模拟电路里面的数字部分,绝对一直都是螺丝钉,这种公司甚至可以专门招一个数字工程师来写model。

做ADC和做codec中的数字部分升到project manager的机会是均等的

我不是说了吗,像audio codec之类的才算是混合信号处理,电源管理算不上。给电源管理做数字电路和给ADC做数字是一样的,一辈子都是螺丝钉。

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