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时间:12-12 整理:3721RD 点击:
今天接到总部通知,对验证的需求又增加了,  北京春节后对VERIFICATION 的需求很大,大家不用担心待遇上的问题,尽管来试试吧!
1.    Good knowledge of design verification methodology, such as VMM or OVM.
2.    Many experiences with simulation model creation and the testbench build
3.    Strong RTL coding with Verilog and familiar with front-end design flow
4.    Strong C/C++ software development experiences
5.    Be familiar with scripting language, such as Perl, C shell, Makefile.
It is a plus if the candidate has one or more of the following experience/knowledge, such as X86/ARM/8051 architecture, AMBA(AXI/AHB/APB) bus, USB(3.0/2.0/1.1; HSIC/host/device/OTG) system, NAND Flash host controller/BCH/double-data-rate interface, PCI-E/PCI bus, low power design, clock generation and control, SD/eMMC host controller, SATA/SAS, Legacy IPs (SPI/SMBUS/ACPI/LPC/GPIO), General connectivity IPs (I2S/I2C/UART), Ethernet, JTAG, etc.
Hands-on lab experience is another plus, able to understand and/or use the use scopes, logic analyzers, has knowledge or skill of board-level lab debugging.
简历投至: czhang@synapse-da.com , 公司网址: www.synapse-da.com

面试都放到节后了嘛?接到过你的电话,说安排 然后就没有然后了

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