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时间:02-10 来源:网络整理 点击:

I leverage HLS tools in this fashion. I view it as Xilinx Corgen on steroids which are driven by a C file. The speed up in design time is not in the translation from C to VHDL but really is in the simulation domain. You are no longer verifying designs piece by piece using RTL. For example, I design a Beamfomer in C. I compile it and then run ‘a.exe’ and verify that the answer matches the expects. That took about a second. For many PRIs of data that could of taken hours in ModelSim. Catching on? I then bring up the HLS tool and pull in the C file and the tool reports the latency, area, clock frequency etc. From that information I can determine which FPGA to use. I then start using directives to optimize the area / latency by using unrolls and pipeline directives. About an hour later my beamformer is done. I then simulate the RTL at my top level but I already know the math works and the tool took care of the boundary conditions. The goal of this article is by no means a recipe on HLS usage but hopefully entices you to check it out, you won’t be sorry.

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