截至近期,该公司一直备受全球智能手机市场衰退,三星在Galaxy S6中采用自制Exynos处理器芯片,以及英特尔将获得9月发布的下一代iPhone产品一半的处理器订单等消息的困扰。
Qualcomm, Inc. (NASDAQ:QCOM) is going through major restructuring that will see thousands of its workers laid off. The San Diego-based company has not divulged any details of how many workers it is letting go though. Qualcomm currently employs 15,000 workers in the San Diego county, constituting both full-time and part-time workers.
As of late, Qualcomm has been suffering from a growth slowdown in the global smartphone market. The company has been stung by Samsung’s decision to embed Galaxy S6 smartphones with its own Exynos chip, as well as by rumors that Intel Corporation (NASDAQ:INTC) may grab 50% of the iPhone business when the new iPhones roll out in September.
Qualcomm has become party to a lawsuit by Ericsson on Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) - concerning patent infringement - with Apple getting an ex parte order to put the onus on Qualcomm, of having the right licensing agreement with Ericsson before providing its chips to Apple's iPhones and iPads. Qualcomm is also facing stiff competition from MediaTek.
According to Derek Aberle, president of Qualcomm, the cost cuts and layoffs will trigger a sort of reboot for the company after half a decade of robust growth. Mr. Aberle believes restructuring will help put the company on a more solid footing and provide better adaption to not only the changing smartphone dynamics, but also to new business avenues such as Internet of Things, smart homes, and driver-less cars.
The main question is where the laid off workers will go and what jobs they will seek in the San Diego region. It's no secret that the telecommunications and semiconductor sectors in the San Diego region and even Silicon Valley are not the employment magnets they used to be. Nokia for one trimmed its workforce by 129 workers in July, as the company is trying to reduce its footprint after being bought out by Microsoft.
It should be noted that the overall US unemployment rate is merely around 5% as of May 2015, with local employers in the San Diego region adding 38,500 jobs so far this year. The region’s medical, defense, and software unit sectors have a lot of potential for workforce demand, and laid off Qualcomm workers will be snatched by companies immediately.
According to data provided by the Employment Development Department, San Diego’s electronic and semiconductor components manufacturing sector declined to 5,200 jobs from 7,700 workers in the last 10 years. There has been a political debate that states that Qualcomm and other tech companies tend to fire American staff rather than foreign employees working on H-1B temporary work visas, and thus any layoffs tend to hit American workers the hardest.
Qualcomm in its defense states that it cannot find many American workers that qualify for some of its positions. Many tech companies have stated that many of the students doing undergraduate degrees in STEM fields, namely Science, Te
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