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how to install ansoft designer

时间:04-10 整理:3721RD 点击:
i am a newer to this software, would u pls tell me where i can download some examples about designing PA with it? or some others example ,thanks for your warmly heart first

there are quite some samples included. Look at

regarding amplifier, I entered some existing circuits from books and just modified them to my needs. That worked good.

hi,but i can't find the "Programms" catagory?,where? thanks

There are many sample projects in the examples directory of the ansoft designer installation directory...

I think elomatic denoted to the Start menu / Programs.... (Under Windows)

start your designer and choose "File" -> "Open" -> then use the path to your install directory. In my case (which is the default path) is it c:/Programs/Ansoft/Designer2/Examples

now pick an example and open it.

but ,there iare no PA Design exaples in it.....

I see a load-pull analysis example.
I think it good for you.

if u go to ansoft site u may find lots of examles over there..even u can request them by registring on the soite for free

Added after 58 seconds:

there u can try on rfglobalnet.com also

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