How to transfer S11 plot to word?
Thank you
just copy it to word
when you need just the graph (so not the data in table format), resize the plot on the screen as you want it, and press Ctrl+PrintScreen.
This will copy your plot into temporary memory, paste it in paint or other program to remove or add things you want.After that copy a selection into MS word directly or via insert image from file.
To reduce the size of your Word file, you may save the image file first as 16 or 256 color map, or even better as a PNG file. Convert to PNG you can do with IrfanView or MS photo editor (for example)
Yes, when all else fails, do the ctrl-print screen simultaneously, and the whole screen ends up on the clipboard.
I really wish all these different software programs would standardize!
Hello Biff44,
your last sentence causes me to use Crtl+printscreen frequently, it works almost always. The only problem is when the original data has more pixels then your screen, then the result may not be optimal.